Wraith's Nest - MC server

Wraith Nest Freebuild
Classic Minecraft server.

Now uses McLawl server mod. :D
It allows advanced building commands and sort of anti-grief system, I can set building permsission for maps I.E You must atleast be on rank "builder" to modify map lolcats.

It is usually online from 5pm to 12pm (gmt + 2)
Sometimes I keep it up for whole day.
Click link below to connect to server

Now that I have gotten MCLawl working there can be multiple worlds/levels (maps). I currently have these maps:
- flatworld (old public map)
- ocean
- Main2
- oldmain
- Ophut
- z0mg
- firstmap (old private map)

Guests can only build on Main2 this is prevent griefers from joining
All new players on server are guests. Ops can promote them to builders.
Builders can modify other worlds (there are few exceptions).
What it doesn't have:
-Enough admins

No griefing
Respect other players

All members of TC get builder rank.
Im hoping to see atleast some members of TC community on it. :D
You are free to post suggestions of what server should have.
Note: Screenshots are pretty old.
  • screenshot_20100905000448.png
  • screenshot_20100905003233.png
  • screenshot_20100905003242.png
  • screenshot_20100905003256.png
  • screenshot_20100905003351.png
  • screenshot_20100905003324.png


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