Piece Limit...

No more limits

screenshots of 10000 pieces, all at once. (I tried 100000, but that kind of ate my graphics card)
  • screen1.jpg
  • screen2.JPG


  • how is that possible?
  • a few client modifications.
  • Yay! Linker extended the piece limit!
  • a few client modifications.

  • Were one step closer to an unlimited peice limit
  • it will also requires some scripts on both end...
  • Who cares? XD

    10000 pieces is still a marvel.
  • gimmie

    What he said.

  • LORD AND SAVIOR (of spamage)
  • alright so I here is an early (and maybe only) release of my client

    this client allows you, from script, as a client, create objects to be displayed in the world

    i don't have code for sync-ing these objects from server, someone else will have to do that.

    here's some code demo-ing this capability:
    function DemoCube() { //create 10000 cubes starting at "0 0 100"
      new SimSet(ClientPieces);
          for(%k=0;%k<100;%k++) {
            %shape = new TSStatic() {
            %shape.settransform(0 SPC %j SPC (%k+100));
            %shape.setscale("0.125 0.16666 1");
    function ClearDemoCube() { //get rid of them
  • I guess I'll take up that challenge.

    Edit: Is there a reason that this executable is nearly 3 MB smaller than the original?
  • Interesting.
  • Here is a screen shot of a save I made a long time ago whenever claims of breaking the piece limit were raised (http://absolous.no-ip.com/files/TGEBuilding.cs). It is 7870 pieces. Frame rate was about 6 FPS while looking at this maze.

    I'll be working on a client/server synchronizing script in the near future.
    • screen1.png
    • screen2.png
    • screen3.png
  • Here is a screen shot of a save I made a long time ago whenever claims of breaking the piece limit were raised (http://absolous.no-ip.com/files/TGEBuilding.cs). It is 7870 pieces. Frame rate was about 6 FPS while looking at this maze.

    I'll be working on a client/server synchronizing script in the near future.

    Near future meaning.... 2012?
  • Holy crap
    You got that right...
  • Near future meaning.... 2012?
    Near future meaning, probably this week. There are only two major things that need to be figured out on the server side. The first is how to most effectively capture notifications of changes to objects (position/rotation and scale); currently, one or the other can be captured generically, so some experimentation needs to happen. The second is to come up with a way to leave slack space in what is transmitted the traditional way so things like... vehicles, player objects, weapon projectiles still appear.

    The rest has been mostly figured out.
  • That's the largest maze I've ever seen...

    *gets dizzy looking at it and passes out....*

    lol... I want to go through it :D
  • you guys rock
  • Ahh...joy has come!
  • That's... ridiculous.

  • Near future meaning.... 2012?

    The apocalypse? Meh... I'd rather not die...
  • Thats wonderful Elec, heres hoping it doesnt fry my videocard though ;)

    Maybe I can make a few addons to my already huge spaceship.

    YAY if this works!
  • Were gonna go in, headfirst, through the tunnel, which we cant see out the other side of, isnt this fun?
  • You have no idea what you're talking about.
  • Good luck solving that maze?

    Linker, I believe I have no other choice but deeming you and Thyth Gods of T2 coding ^-^.

    Breaking the piece limit has been something everyone has attempted to do for ages. Anyways, when do you plan on releasing the Client for the PCI?
  • Nevar! Muahahaha!
  • Linker's the crazy machine code wizard. There is much more skill involved in that than there is in coming up with a remote notification system.
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