You may be asking "What Is A FileObject?" right now, but you won't be at the end of this tutorial. A fileobject is what the TGE (Torque Game Engine) uses to write or read from files by user request. You can use fileobjects to "clean" a file, write to a file, and read from a file. Your basic writer: function write(%word) { new fileobject(Writer); Writer.openforwrite("Written.txt"); Writer.writeline(%word); Writer.close(); Writer.delete(); } As you may think, Writer.delete(); would delete the actual file. But actually, Writer.delete(); deletes the file OBJECT Tribes 2 uses to write to Written.txt. Writer.close(); just removes the TGE's influence from the file and updates the file as well. Your Basic Reader: function read(%file) { new fileobject(Reader); Reader.openforread(%file); while (!Reader.iseof()) { %line = Reader.readline(); echo(%line); } Reader.close(); Reader.delete(); } Same thing applies for Writer's .close(); and .delete(); functions here. Except this would echo the contents of the specified file into your console.