Deflun's Friendly Thread Mk3

There's just enough money for a pack of cigarettes.
And I always find myself looking for company on the wrong places.
Why does it smells like candles anyway?

While twin bed roses swim on a bag of tea.
Why do they smile when they lack a beak.

The door slam.
I woke up.
A million years spent in future being emptied
on my fractual skull.

I just drank coke and felt I puked backwards.


  • coke? you dont like Pepsi? :/
  • Pepsi doesn't sells as much here.
    Did you know Coke is sweeter in half of south america?, in fact, when Pepsi arrived with their Pepsi Challenge, the thing turned out to be a backfire on them, because people chose Coke over Pepsi.

    That's because Coke had to sweeten their beverage in order to compete with local ones like Inca Cola or Bilz y Pap, not to speak about the countless local ones being made.
  • Another poem, or merely an abstract narrative?
  • in fact, when Pepsi arrived with their Pepsi Challenge, the thing turned out to be a backfire on them, because people chose Coke over Pepsi.

    That's because Coke had to sweeten their beverage in order to compete with local ones like Inca Cola or Bilz y Pap, not to speak about the countless local ones being made.
    the only reasons I like Pepsi:
    the cool PS1 game,
    it goes flat quicker (I <3 flat Pepsi)
  • I like pepsi for taste, coke is near pure sugar in a liquidised state.
  • Another poem, or merely an abstract narrative?

    And on the streets.
    A truckload of bored clowns.
    Stuck in the slow traffic.
    One says hello.

    The figures seem happy.
    But everyone knows deep inside.
    That seeing other people's pains doesn't reliefs the ones you feel.
    I turn my head, they're not to be bothered.

    I had a friend called Blake Gamble,
    and I always told him I liked his name.
    Sadly he liked my room more than I did.
    And he was always upset about things.

    Because smoke tore his nostrills apart.
    Or maybe because people spoke behind him.
  • Ah, thank you for answering my question. (Which it did, actually.)
  • And what did you conclude?
  • Abstract Narrative.
  • Exellent :D
  • A truckload of bored clowns.
    ... :/
    who'd truck clowns?
  • I was walking on the street, when I looked to my left, only to see a tore down pickup truck with four very bored clowns waiting by a red light.

    There was a female truck (or maybe two/several) hanging on the pickup, one of them said hi.

    That's why I wrote it down, it made an awesome Abstract Narrative.
    • Copia de Syd.jpg
  • Oh fuck, get me on the line.
    There, operator, the fuck are you doing?!.
    I hear null voices all coming from a floor not so far away.
    - I think it's two inches and a half.
    - More like two dollars
    Someone hold the elevator please!.
    Ok, where to now?.
    Wait.. wait... it's comming!.
    - Eleventh floor.
    Not my floor..
    - Subterranean.
    Not my floor..
    The ceiling melts, I fall to my doom.
    I'm floating in a field of stars now, there's a door somewhere, but I can't reach it, only it can reach me.
    Oh god this shouldn't be happening!.
    I ask for a second revision.
    The doctor shakes his head.
    - Boy, this ain't lookin' good.
    A brit comes in and says.
    - Oi mate, you's got some problems?.
    He then fades away, he was the underpaid extra in my low budget film, what an insane comic relief we've got there.
    I'm half a moon now, god isn't she pretty?.
    Nevermind, I'm not making any sense here.
    At least that's what this screen is telling me
    - Well, it could have went worse.
    - Yeah right, that really put me in a throne mister, next time say I'm not a fucking hobo then I'll own a store.
    - Let's not get rude here!.
    The comic relief brit pops in again, whoever invited him over is gonna pay.
    I'm recieving a call from my assistant, he's running away with all my money.
    Shit!, I knew I shouldn't trust him.
    Anyway, I'm all alone again, this is so sad.
    I think I cried.
    Lemme descrive the teardrop in every possible sense of the word.
    It was.. well.. wet.
    Looked so so sad.
    Oh god this is so so sad.
    So so sad.
    Yeah, two "so"'s mean I'm being ironic.
    Someone hits me in the head with an Ankh.
    I bet noone's gonna get it.
    I'm in my office now, I look at my poor assistant.
    He's a labor rat.
    A minor job.
    His oath he's got to me.
    He's never gonna be free
    I'm so glad I'm not him, I'll smoke a cuban cigar , turn around look through the window and forget about all my problems.
    - Sir, what you want the header to be?.
    Says my squallid assistant.
    - How about, remorseless killer kills four hundred?.
    I mumble with the cigar still on my mouth.
    - Sir, no such thing happened!.
    - Well, I'm the boss here.
    He fades into the door.
    Wait, let me get this straight.
    Now, whoever did that will find himself trapped into oblivion.
    You, get me a fucking cofee.
    I'm not wasting my time here figuring out what to say and what not to.
    Say, can you write well?, yeah?, contracted.
    I'm now wearing cardboard clothes.
    All over my plastic skin.
    I'm in the middle of some fancy street, I'm so fucking happy right now.
    Nevermind, we're just forgetting about the obvious.
    Night has fallen over our shoulders.
    Now I'm in a poor district, someone shoots us all.
    So much for this televisive youth.
    In an X shaped street where cars collide all day long.
    And nobody knows a thing about what they are doing.
    Where will I be then?.
    Where will I be?.
  • I'm sticking a pole in the middle of the himalayas
    And everybody knows my freaking name.
    You think I care?.
    Well, because I do, and a lot.
    Otherwise I wouldn't be fucking stuck in the middle of the himalayas.
    Today I'm remaining silent in my chair.
    Drinking wine and listening to old tunes
    And I'll be nostalgicly happy.
    In a gaze of shallowness
    And I'd sit, remain, stay.
    Be as silent as I can.
    Today I'm not drinking from the cup of chaos
    Not staining the floor with useless remorabilia taken from a gift shop.
    I'm not endless.
    Not a bottomless sea.
    I'm made of clay, I'm composed of clay.
    I think like a human but I'm clay.
    I'm fragile.
    And dry.
    All dry.
    The drier, the stronger.
    I'm like clay.
    Tonight I'm like clay.
    I'm so sorry.
    Really, I'am.
    Say?, no, I didn't get it either.
    I hear someone screaming, next door, asking for chaos and transparences.
    I'm not listening him tonight though!.
    We can play quietly in my non-creepy room.
    The only feeling this room gives you however, is total loneliness.
    Where was I back then?.
    Nevermind, I can't tell.
    Be greeted by the long man in coat and top hat.
    With his face painted all white and red.
    He knows what he's talking about.
    Where did we go anyway.
    Now I'm at the airport, with all my friends around me.
    I don't know them though.
    Where do we go now?.
    Oh god, what if they boarded the wrong plane?
    that would be such a sad scenario.
    Even though I'm boarding a giant plane leading somewhere.
    I can still see the sun through this tiny little window.
    I can tell we're in the middle of the ocean, and I can see everything.
    The sun is so tired.
    He's so, so tired.
    He's been waiting me for too long.
    And I owe him a nap
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