The Carpenter's Gospel

Would someone please enlighten a poor man of this Gospel? For I have only heard of it once or twice and I wish to learn it...


  • Thou shalt takyth thy constructione toole an thy myrge toole, and with thy LSB packe thou shalt maketh great structurese.
  • Spam notte, fore thy Admyns wyll curse thee wyth a ban or kycke. Nay, builde faire, and na'er deconstruct whyle inne Cascade mode, lest ye sayeth "Shytte! My pyeces are all gone!"
  • The scripture of the prophet is no laughing matter, I assure you.

    "OOOOOOHH FLISM FLASM It's like this ya see?!"
    - The Book of Construct
  • hahaha, thats freakin wicked.
  • Call on me anytime to hear more readings of the Good Book. Mass is held on Fridays.
  • The Ten Commandments Minus Two:
    1. Thou shalt havve' no otharre moddes before Meh.
    2. Thou shalt notte purchasse unto thineselffe any bettarr gaame.
    3. Thou shalt notte taken teh namme ofe teh mann thy modde creatorre in vaine.
    4. Rememberre teh Saturday to keepe it holee.
    5. Honore thy moddere ande thy buildere.
    6. Thou shalt notte spam.
    7. Thou shalt notte beare falsse testimonee againste thy admyne-abusionne.
    8. Thou shalt notte covette otheres' structurese.

    Meh, could be better.
  • More amusement. Jak, list some more off =P
  • And now, a reading from the book of the Second Beta.

    "And lo, before hym was a greate pyllare, fourtye metrese in lengthe. The buildere prophet strove valyantlye to remove ite, but to no avayle; the Greate Admyne, who protects us all fromme the evile spammers ande n00bse, had turned on the greate and powerfulle Securyte settyngse. Four theye were: Owner Onlye Deconstructe, Rotateth, Cascade, and Texture. The prophete cursed and doth inityated a vote: and the Greate Admyne was also good, and had seen to it longe ago thatte the Hygh Programmere allowede suche votes. The Orphanede Deployables were dothe removed, marking a newwe tyme of cleaner buildinge for the prophet.
  • The Parable of the Forgetful Prophet

    Once, inne the olde tymes, the builder prophet strucke outte overe the flatlands and beganneth to builde. Myghty and complexe was hys structure, and as he buylte, a voyce fromme the heavens cried: "Fyfteene Seckonds." The builder panickede and criede, and tryeth in vain to quickly set doth server tyme lymyt to 'Unlymytede' but he was too late. In a flash the Myghty Server swepte onne, hys greatte structure lost. And the builder prophet thus learnede hys valued lessonne in checking thy server beforre buyldyng his greate structures.
  • Should make a Carpenter's Bible o.o
  • Ill make a giant book on a metalli server. LSB for text =D
  • Hmm.... this would make a cool chat command.. /bible. It would give you a menu of different sections and such.. :)

    Hehe, the Old Testament and New Testament (Con Mod .69/.70 & Mod this script is being used in)... this is pretty cool.

    [Edit] Script finished. Now I just need to tweak some bugs in it and it'll be done. Then I'll get to work on the New Testament :)
  • Your modernist scriptures do hold the true path of the Builder to heart.
    The Prophet Construct spake not of wrath and servitude, but of kindness and unity amongst the Tribes. Amongst the Brethren we feared not the powerful sovereigns of the Slapdash and Katabatic, nor the lowly peddlers of spam. Though many men claimed to have precedence over the skill of others, the Order knew in their hearts that none among men had completed their learning; the spreading of what knowledge held by the Order to any who would ask of their help would continue long past the Age of Dissolution.
    The Brethren do not feel awe towards the admiralty, nor to the creators of our own Order, do not feel anger towards the spam of men who do not understand, but treat them as we would any of our own.
    However, those who have crossed paths in hopes of battle have fallen victim to our chosen Knights.

    "Wherefore I caused them to go forth out of the land of Flat, and brought them into the wasteland."
    - from the Sermon of Brother Brak

    The majority of the last remaining members of our Order have been forced to live in exile, in waiting for the return of days long past.
  • The Scriptures of the Prophet are definitely no laughing matter...
  • To build is to Relax, Dear SnowFire789.
    So i say onto you. Build. Build yourself a mighty fortress of solitude.
  • Such advice is wise, and sound, and thus it will be heard and so heeded. Thank you.
  • I am fulfilling my duty, Dear Brother of the Order. To see the fruits of your labour, shall be thanks enough.
  • Then I shall build...
  • Make my stuff the old testament (Old language etc) And Krash's the new testament (More on how to live your daily life, more modern language).
  • lol, I doubt anyone's going to write a whole bible.
  • Lol, we'll all join in.
  • here is my contribution :

  • that period goes at the very end
  • Make my stuff the old testament (Old language etc) And Krash's the new testament (More on how to live your daily life, more modern language).

    I'm describing the sentiment intended by the work of the Prophet, not writing scripture. Those quotations which have been included in the posts are directly from the compendium, and for the most part portray the very message of the person (if not in so many words in Brak's case).

    Anyways, if you were going to put them in direct comparison to the bible, I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a difference in the style of language used between the 'old' and 'new'. If new scripture to the Order were to be written, I believe the style used in the King James bible would be most appropriate. :p
  • Jak, I thought you and I were doing this privately together... anyways...
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