Comics - A Good Idea?

I'm not a very comical person.

Although I believe that, it may not be true. Mez's comics thread inspired me (not trying to compete). However, I'll only do it if people think it has potential.

Uploaded a horribly edited comic and two random posings. (Got to learn how to use my Photoshop client)

Closed. View other thread.
  • BiggerIsNotBetter.png
  • gm_construct0001.png
  • MelonDrop.png


  • Now those are good.
  • the melon drop one made me lol mostly because of gmans face XD the comic was over the top, something im heavily into :p
  • i say go for it.
  • Sure, why not? I think there's a lot more positioning you could do with the Half-Life characters than the Tribes 2 characters, so you should be able to have lots of fun with that.
  • Sure, why not? I think there's a lot more positioning you could do with the Half-Life characters than the Tribes 2 characters, so you should be able to have lots of fun with that.

    Thanks, Mez. Since G-MOD allows for lots of custom content, I'll have even more fun.

    I'll start an official thread in a bit.

    Lastly, I'll redo that comic to look better.
This discussion has been closed.