
Ok well i dont usually like to paste dialogue from the servers but i am right now. The reason im doing this is just to give a heads up on this cat, Digital demon or w.e. After a huge conflict with Capt Ko (who was insulting me because i started with vazolyth about abusing, and had thought that calling him a "brown nose" was being racist, then told me he was going to get rid of my admin by posting SS's of my racism on the forum.. then pretended he was joking when he found out that brown nose just meant a kiss ass), Digi started randomly killing me and after a few warnings i had to disable vehicles (because i dont kick people for no reason like some others i know.. EH EHM). Then he said that he has other ways to piss me off and that he is doing it just to piss me off. so i kindly asked him, "why would you want to piss me off" He told me that i messed with a guy named zipper a long time ago(who i dont recall but im sure was being a complete douche to people and got mad when i punished him), and so then he says that HE WAS THIS ZIPPER, WITH A NEW NAME! WAAHH! and he was going to get back at me for all the trouble i caused him! Well here is the rest of the convo that i took an SS of.


So i just put this up here to let people know to watch out for DigiDouche. He obviously has some vendetta against me and decided today that he wants to mess with people in the server by running them over and what not, because he knows that it pisses me off(which btw, just shows how my intentions as an admin are purely to protect innocent builders so they can keep expressing themselves with the beautiful building art i have seen in my years).. Admins, If you see him causing trouble, do not hesitate to kick him. Other builders, if he bothers you, let me or a present admin know instead of whining in the chat about it because that will just make it worse. And for god sakes if i kick him please dont get on my back.

that brings me to another thought. I dont know why certain people like to mess with me because im a kind person. Just because i dont kick people right away doesn't mean that u should take advantage of my kindness. It makes me mad and gives me no reason to let u go with a warning when i catch u shooting at someone while they r building or spamming etc. so for all those ppl who give me crap, just dont expect to be given leeway when i catch u messing with other peoples buildings..

anyway that about sums it up. for all the people that r cool to me and see me for the kind admin i am, and dont take advantage of that, cheers! I'll see u in game and hope to have a fun dogfight with complimentary colonial vipers!


  • Ok well i dont usually like to paste dialogue from the servers but i am right now. The reason im doing this is just to give a heads up on this cat, Digital demon or w.e. After a huge conflict with Capt Ko (who was insulting me because i started with vazolyth about abusing, and had thought that calling him a "brown nose" was being racist, then told me he was going to get rid of my admin by posting SS's of my racism on the forum.. then pretended he was joking when he found out that brown nose just meant a kiss ass), Digi started randomly killing me and after a few warnings i had to disable vehicles (because i dont kick people for no reason like some others i know.. EH EHM). Then he said that he has other ways to piss me off and that he is doing it just to piss me off. so i kindly asked him, "why would you want to piss me off" He told me that i messed with a guy named zipper a long time ago(who i dont recall but im sure was being a complete douche to people and got mad when i punished him), and so then he says that HE WAS THIS ZIPPER, WITH A NEW NAME! WAAHH! and he was going to get back at me for all the trouble i caused him! Well here is the rest of the convo that i took an SS of.


    So i just put this up here to let people know to watch out for DigiDouche. He obviously has some vendetta against me and decided today that he wants to mess with people in the server by running them over and what not, because he knows that it pisses me off(which btw, just shows how my intentions as an admin are purely to protect innocent builders so they can keep expressing themselves with the beautiful building art i have seen in my years).. Admins, If you see him causing trouble, do not hesitate to kick him. Other builders, if he bothers you, let me or a present admin know instead of whining in the chat about it because that will just make it worse. And for god sakes if i kick him please dont get on my back.

    that brings me to another thought. I dont know why certain people like to mess with me because im a kind person. Just because i dont kick people right away doesn't mean that u should take advantage of my kindness. It makes me mad and gives me no reason to let u go with a warning when i catch u shooting at someone while they r building or spamming etc. so for all those ppl who give me crap, just dont expect to be given leeway when i catch u messing with other peoples buildings..

    anyway that about sums it up. for all the people that r cool to me and see me for the kind admin i am, and dont take advantage of that, cheers! I'll see u in game and hope to have a fun dogfight with complimentary colonial vipers!

    Yes, you do have to be a douche to get respect from the countless dumbasses that visit that server. Look at Shane, he bans randomly, no one does anything when he's there. Vazo kicks randomly when someone goes near his building. And there are 3 other admins I know of that kick randomly if you do something, I just don't remember their names.

    So abuse your power like Vazo and Shane and you will be respected as long as someone can make an "ADMIN ABUSE" thread and Krash does nothing about it.


    Now seriously... Lol... You're a good guy, if some jackass gives you shit, do what I do. Scream at them for a bit and jail or mute them. Or if they really piss you off, do what I do with SnowFire... Kick the fool causing problems. If he/she complains, tell them why you kicked them and that they're a dumbass for not listening to an admin.

    I know you know what to do, but the real question is if you know I know what you know what to do. Because if you know, then we all know you know what you're doing, and you know as we all know we don't need more admins like Shane.

    Simple isn't it? :)
  • ^Digital Demon^ is also known as =Ziperr=, and I'm not sure why he'd be getting on you about starting crap with me, but whatever. Just another 10 year old in the server. Last time I saw him was March 2nd:
    [10:35:32 PM] Client left: Name: Castiger
    [10:36:18 PM] Admin Action : The Admin removed all orphaned deployables in the mission.
    [10:36:48 PM] ^Digital Demon^: admin why did you do that now half of my game room is gone
    [10:37:15 PM] Krash: Who is admin and what are you talking about?
    [10:37:45 PM] ^Digital Demon^: my bnuilding half of it is now gone cuz my friend beachguy made half of my building
    [10:38:04 PM] ^Digital Demon^: super admon what ever
    [10:38:18 PM] ^Digital Demon^: half of my freaken building is gone
    [10:38:35 PM] Liandro: well you should have told him to give you his pieces before he left
    [10:39:10 PM] Vazolyth: Cease fire!~wvoice/Derm1/vqk.ceasefire.wav
    [10:39:13 PM] Liandro: Command Acknowledged.~wvoice/Derm2/cmd.acknowledge.wav
    [10:39:14 PM] Admin Action : admin has removed all peices by ^Digital Demon^
    [10:39:24 PM] Center Print : Observer Fly Mode
    [10:39:24 PM] Center Print : Your power frequency is set to: 1
    [10:39:24 PM] Center Print : Beam set to 10 cm in height
    [10:39:24 PM] Center Print : Now using a construction tool
    [10:39:33 PM] Admin Action : admin has removed all peices by ^Digital Demon^
    [10:39:38 PM] Krash: What in the world are you doing?
    [10:39:39 PM] Vazolyth: Stop spamming.
    [10:39:49 PM] Liandro: quit spamming
    [10:40:16 PM] Client joined: Name: Castiger GUID: 2205246
    [10:40:16 PM] Vazolyth: Digital, your building rights have been removed until you can behave.
    [10:40:22 PM] Admin Action : admin has removed all peices by ^Digital Demon^
    [10:40:28 PM] Castiger: aww what happened?
    [10:40:33 PM] Liandro: digital is a spammer
    [10:40:34 PM] Vazolyth: he's spamming.
    [10:40:47 PM] ^Digital Demon^: i ^%%$^& hate this ^^%&
    [10:40:51 PM] Castiger: Well guys, im going to chill with sloik alright?
    [10:40:55 PM] Vazolyth: No problem.~wvoice/Derm1/vqk.anytime.wav
    [10:40:55 PM] Vazolyth: Bye.~wvoice/Derm1/gbl.bye.wav
    [10:40:58 PM] Castiger: Krypton construct.
    [10:41:01 PM] Liandro: Bye.~wvoice/Derm2/gbl.bye.wav
    [10:41:16 PM] ^Digital Demon^: Bye.~wgbl.bye
    [10:41:20 PM] Castiger: See ya vazo, good night, you too liandro, and you demon, se ya!
    [10:41:26 PM] Vazolyth: cya
    [10:41:28 PM] Castiger: Bye.~wgbl.bye
    [10:41:30 PM] Liandro: Bye.~wvoice/Derm2/gbl.bye.wav
    [10:41:34 PM] ^Digital Demon^: wait ill join ya
    [10:41:38 PM] Castiger: woohoo!
    [10:41:45 PM] ^Digital Demon^: im bored here anyway
    [10:41:50 PM] Client left: Name: ^Digital Demon^
    Vazo kicks randomly when someone goes near his building

    I may do some stuff that people claim as abuse, but what are you talking about there?
  • Nukem: yea lol. i feel u, we all have our ways 2 deal w. people. btw do u play still or just go on the forums. join TX sometime so i can build with u and make fun of how crappy of a builder u r =P. anyway, funny post, and i know u were joking pretty much, but on a serious note, i really dont care about getting respect from idiots, much more than i expect it. young kids can be dumb so that doesn't really bother me. what im tryin to do is just make it so that myself, and everyone else are able to build without spam, disruption while building by a vehicle/person/turret, chat spam or vulgarity in the serverwide chat. so i just do w.e i can to prevent the person from acting on any of what i listed without having to kick anyone. and i have fun along the way by watching them try to ruin my day while they get pissed off and i chuckle away. the funniest is when people wind up getting votekicked anyway =P.

    Quote:Vazo kicks randomly when someone goes near his building

    I may do some stuff that people claim as abuse, but what are you talking about there?

    Vaz: was this quote from something that i wrote? if you are talking about me, i dont really know the extent of what you do, but i take my opinions about u from what i see, and what i hear from others. i dont feel the need to get into specifics. But anyway, you seemed to have calmed down and let people be. hopefully u keep doin that cause i dont like 2 see people gettin booted for no reason and all that other jabb.. but thx for acting mature for whatever reason you may be doing it. =P And lastly, i just wanted to let you know, there must have been a miss-communication because i didn't say that digital demon was the one brown nosing you. capt ko was brown nosing you. digital demon started brown nosing me shortly after capt ko left. but yea ur right, he is just some douche that is pissed because i disciplined him a long time ago and he still remembers it as if its some big event in his life that he trained for months to get me back and make my life miserable. and look at the dialogue. he wants to "@%#& my head up so bad, my life will spin in an abliveyon." Abliveyon... yea he's obviously just a little kid.
  • You're not talking about ZipperDude right? He could actually spell last time i saw him.
  • Nope. Zipperdude made his own account called (surpisingly) zipperdude. Unless he changed that with TN
  • Ziperr and Zipperdude are 2 completely different people. Ziperr has been banned multiple (srsly, multiple) times by SA's.
  • I loled at the thread title. Yeah, he is a "DigiDouche." He runs you over and other n00b crap while you are building.
  • argh...Castiger being scary.
    /me hides in sewer.

    hmmm? Vazzy has a Shane title.

    I always thought they were fond of their power...like my kitten.
  • Eeh, the real problem is captain Ko, I have a log from krypton and its not pretty...

    "00:55:16 -- Cackle : cap we found a way in anyways
    00:56:30 -- capt ko : cant do a damn thing about my shield now
    00:56:13 -- capt ko : its a combat server.....
    00:56:13 -- Cackle : your sheild is fail
    00:56:19 -- Cackle : your sheild is fail
    00:56:20 -- capt ko : u dont want combat go to construct
    00:57:21 -- Silent Rage : ok
    00:57:34 -- Cackle : a ! at the start
    00:58:23 -- Cackle : and then my name
    00:58:24 -- Silent Rage : /Crackle can u hear me?
    00:58:28 -- Silent Rage : Shazbot!~wgbl.shazbot
    01:04:07 -- capt ko : wow cackle u get rid of that spawn now
    01:04:16 -- Cackle : idk wtf happedn
    01:04:17 -- capt ko : u have exactly zero permission to have a spawn in there
    01:04:26 -- capt ko : i suggest u clear it
    01:04:26 -- Cackle : i didnt make a spawn there
    01:04:31 -- capt ko : clear it anyways
    01:04:32 -- Cackle : it glicthed
    01:05:12 -- capt ko : go set another up
    01:05:35 -- Cackle : if it was a regular spawn u wouldent be in jail
    01:05:16 -- capt ko : i still suggest u stop
    01:05:20 -- Cackle : if it was a regular spawn u wouldent be in jail
    01:05:30 -- capt ko : u still spawning?d
    01:05:34 -- capt ko : same place
    01:09:31 -- capt ko : ur pretty dumb
    01:12:17 -- Silent Rage : what happend?
    01:13:41 -- Cackle : we won!
    01:13:25 -- Cackle : reload the uberbunker plz
    01:14:11 -- Cackle : can i have a copy?
    01:14:41 -- Cackle : plz please please?
    01:14:31 -- [Kr] Theorem : [Kr] Theorem: Ow!.~wavo.deathcry_01
    01:15:32 -- Silent Rage : so i can't seem to figure out how to whisper
    01:16:11 -- Cackle : i have a idea
    01:16:13 -- Cackle : a tunnle to the other hole on the other side of his ship
    01:16:19 -- Cackle : and a lil exit that pokes up
    01:16:23 -- Silent Rage : Yes.~wgbl.yes
    01:20:07 -- Cackle : i wish we could expand this hole
    01:20:07 -- Silent Rage : so ko is savar
    01:20:09 -- Cackle : yes
    01:22:15 -- aqua8821 : Hi.~wgbl.hi
    01:22:16 -- [Kr] Theorem : Hello.~wgbl.hi
    01:23:34 -- Silent Rage : well mabe when i got more time i'll build a better bunker
    01:24:48 -- Cackle : this is tight anyways
    01:25:06 -- Silent Rage : what time is it were ur at?
    01:25:07 -- [Kr] Theorem : The time is 01:25:11 (Central Standard Time)
    01:25:32 -- Cackle : me?
    01:25:35 -- Silent Rage : Yes.~wgbl.yes
    01:26:11 -- Cackle : like 1:30
    01:26:09 -- Silent Rage : 2:30
    01:29:17 -- Cackle : what do anti missle turrets do?
    01:29:21 -- [Kr] Theorem : Good bye.~wgbl.bye
    01:29:22 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables in 3 minutes.
    01:29:28 -- [Kr] Theorem : [Kr] Theorem: Ow!.~wavo.deathcry_01
    01:31:26 -- Cackle : aqua may i come in?
    01:32:36 -- [Kr] Theorem : [Kr] Theorem: Ack!.~wavo.deathcry_02
    01:32:21 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables...
    01:40:06 -- Chianti : Awesome!~wgbl.awesome
    01:40:35 -- Chianti : Woohoo!~wgbl.woohoo
    01:41:17 -- [Kr] Theorem : [Kr] Theorem: Ow!.~wavo.deathcry_01
    01:41:42 -- Chianti : Awesome!~wgbl.awesome
    01:41:12 -- Chianti : Wow
    01:41:31 -- Chianti : How did you do that?
    01:42:25 -- Chianti : No.~wgbl.no
    01:42:30 -- Chianti : Cease fire!~wvqk.ceasefire
    01:43:31 -- Chianti : No.~wgbl.no
    01:45:22 -- Chianti : Cease fire!~wvqk.ceasefire
    01:46:30 -- Chianti : Cease fire!~wvqk.ceasefire
    01:46:06 -- Chianti : Cease fire!~wvqk.ceasefire
    01:46:25 -- Silent Rage : Bye.~wgbl.bye
    01:46:25 -- [Kr] Theorem : Good bye.~wgbl.bye
    01:46:26 -- Chianti : Bye.~wgbl.bye
    01:46:32 -- Chianti : Great shot!~wgbl.shooting
    01:46:33 -- [Kr] Theorem : Good bye.~wgbl.bye
    01:46:34 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables in 3 minutes.
    01:48:17 -- Chianti : Cease fire!~wvqk.ceasefire
    01:48:42 -- Cackle : No.~wvqk.no
    01:48:26 -- [Kr] Theorem : Good bye.~wgbl.bye
    01:48:27 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables in 3 minutes.
    01:49:10 -- Cackle : hey aqua wanna shocklance duel?
    01:51:24 -- Cackle : may i come in?
    01:51:25 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables...
    01:52:17 -- Cackle : Attack!~watt.attack
    01:56:06 -- [Kr] Theorem : Good bye.~wgbl.bye
    01:56:06 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables in 3 minutes.
    01:59:53 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables...
    02:44:13 -- aqua8821 : Hi.~wgbl.hi
    02:44:13 -- [Kr] Theorem : Hello.~wgbl.hi
    02:44:14 -- Fobogbu : Hi.~wgbl.hi
    02:45:47 -- Fobogbu : Hi.~wgbl.hi
    02:45:53 -- [Kr] Theorem : Hello.~wgbl.hi
    02:45:06 -- Fobogbu : Hi.~wgbl.hi
    02:45:22 -- Fobogbu : What are you making?
    03:05:16 -- Fobogbu : Wait, please.~wvqk.wait
    03:12:13 -- Fobogbu : Bye.~wgbl.bye
    03:12:14 -- Fobogbu : Bye.~wgbl.bye
    03:12:14 -- [Kr] Theorem : Good bye.~wgbl.bye
    03:12:14 -- Fobogbu : Bye.~wgbl.bye
    03:12:15 -- Fobogbu : Bye.~wgbl.bye
    03:12:16 -- [Kr] Theorem : Stop repeating yourself, Fobogbu. This is your first out of three warnings.
    03:12:16 -- [Kr] Theorem : Good bye.~wgbl.bye
    03:12:17 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables in 3 minutes.
    03:12:17 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables in 3 minutes.
    03:15:16 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables...
    03:27:11 -- Crappage : Hi!~wgbl.hi
    03:27:12 -- [Kr] Theorem : Hello.~wgbl.hi
    03:27:13 -- aqua8821 : Hi.~wgbl.hi
    04:04:30 -- Crappage : Hi!~wgbl.hi
    04:04:35 -- [Kr] Theorem : Hello.~wgbl.hi
    04:04:42 -- lokdie : Hi.~wgbl.hi
    04:04:54 -- aqua8821 : Hi.~wgbl.hi
    04:04:05 -- [Kr] Theorem : Hello.~wgbl.hi
    04:04:06 -- [Kr] Theorem : Stop repeating yourself, aqua8821. This is your first out of three warnings.
    04:04:10 -- lokdie : haha
    04:04:16 -- aqua8821 : ??
    04:04:18 -- Crappage : Dunno.~wvqk.dunno
    04:10:24 -- lokdie : crappage
    04:10:35 -- Crappage : Hi!~wgbl.hi
    04:10:41 -- [Kr] Theorem : Hello.~wgbl.hi
    04:10:07 -- lokdie : how do you get your walls to be see thru?
    04:10:10 -- Crappage : ./cloak
    04:10:13 -- lokdie : thanks =]
    04:10:16 -- Crappage : Uh-Huh.~wvqk.yes
    04:10:17 -- [Kr] Theorem : No.~wgbl.no
    04:10:19 -- Crappage : SHUT UP!!!~wvqk.quiet
    04:12:24 -- lokdie : Bye.~wgbl.bye
    04:12:24 -- [Kr] Theorem : Good bye.~wgbl.bye
    04:12:25 -- Crappage : Bye.~wgbl.bye
    04:12:28 -- [Kr] Theorem : Good bye.~wgbl.bye
    04:12:28 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables in 3 minutes.
    04:15:27 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables...
    04:22:23 -- [Kr] Theorem : Good bye.~wgbl.bye
    04:22:23 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables in 3 minutes.
    04:25:22 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables...
    05:05:00 -- [Kr] Theorem : aqua8821 has been marked as away.
    05:14:33 -- [Kr] Theorem : aqua8821 is back in action. You were away for approx. 14 minutes.
    07:09:35 -- aqua8821 : /objectname BRAM
    07:23:23 -- aqua8821 : Bye.~wgbl.bye
    07:23:30 -- [Kr] Theorem : Good bye.~wgbl.bye
    09:13:05 -- aqua8821 : Hi.~wgbl.hi
    09:13:11 -- [Kr] Theorem : Hello.~wgbl.hi
    10:10:09 -- [Kr] Theorem : [Kr] Theorem: Ack!.~wavo.deathcry_02
    10:17:06 -- aqua8821 : /cloak
    10:39:31 -- rockclimbe13 : hi :)
    10:40:36 -- aqua8821 : Hi.~wgbl.hi
    10:40:42 -- [Kr] Theorem : Hello.~wgbl.hi
    10:40:07 -- rockclimbe13 : wat are you doing
    10:52:25 -- rockclimbe13 : hi lulu
    10:56:27 -- rockclimbe13 : hi lulu
    10:57:09 -- rockclimbe13 : noo
    10:57:10 -- rockclimbe13 : come back, lol
    10:57:13 -- rockclimbe13 : u missed something O.O
    10:57:31 -- rockclimbe13 : ...
    10:58:29 -- rockclimbe13 : wtf lulu
    10:58:31 -- rockclimbe13 : thought u were cool
    11:07:17 -- RonanZero : Hi.~wgbl.hi
    11:07:18 -- [Kr] Theorem : Hello.~wgbl.hi
    11:07:19 -- rockclimbe13 : hi
    11:07:30 -- RonanZero : its hyper cam 2!
    11:07:34 -- RonanZero : lol
    11:09:26 -- rockclimbe13 : like my bridge :P
    11:10:09 -- rockclimbe13 : actually ima change this to forcefields i think
    11:15:24 -- [Kr] Theorem : You still with us, RonanZero?
    11:15:12 -- [Kr] Theorem : Welcome back, RonanZero. You were away for approx. 5 minutes.
    11:17:06 -- RonanZero : HELP!~wvqk.help
    11:17:48 -- rockclimbe13 : Command declined.~wcmd.decline
    11:19:23 -- RonanZero : HELP!~wvqk.help
    11:19:09 -- rockclimbe13 : Command declined.~wcmd.decline
    11:19:14 -- RonanZero : not you!
    11:19:16 -- rockclimbe13 : lol
    11:24:21 -- rockclimbe13 : i'll delete my stuff
    11:24:34 -- [Kr] Theorem : It seems as if RonanZero has stepped away from the keyboard.
    11:24:34 -- [Kr] Theorem : Good bye.~wgbl.bye
    11:24:34 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables in 3 minutes.
    11:25:10 -- [Kr] Theorem : RonanZero is back in action. You were away for approx. 5 minutes.
    11:25:28 -- rockclimbe13 : can i have lvl 3 access please?
    11:26:11 -- rockclimbe13 : ty
    11:27:33 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables...
    11:29:23 -- [Kr] Theorem : Good bye.~wgbl.bye
    11:29:24 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables in 3 minutes.
    11:30:30 -- [Kr] Theorem : Good bye.~wgbl.bye
    11:30:30 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables in 3 minutes.
    11:32:06 -- RonanZero : vote!
    11:33:29 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables...
    11:33:30 -- RonanZero : voottttttee
    11:35:25 -- RonanZero : Woohoo!~wgbl.woohoo
    11:36:17 -- RonanZero : OK
    11:36:13 -- RonanZero : that was a...
    11:37:12 -- RonanZero : HELP!~wvqk.help
    11:37:35 -- azooz11 : yuuiiiopop
    11:38:12 -- azooz11 : uiiio
    11:45:53 -- azooz11 : god be
    11:47:17 -- [Kr] Theorem : Good bye.~wgbl.bye
    11:47:18 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables in 3 minutes.
    11:48:19 -- RonanZero : lets fight
    11:48:35 -- AngelSwords : Hi!~wgbl.hi
    11:49:00 -- [Kr] Theorem : Hello.~wgbl.hi
    11:49:42 -- RonanZero : HELP!~wvqk.help
    11:49:13 -- AngelSwords : Theorem lets chat
    11:49:15 -- [Kr] Theorem : Conversation interface enabled. Say 'stop talking' to disable.
    11:49:19 -- AngelSwords : Where do you get SI?
    11:49:29 -- RonanZero : what time?
    11:50:17 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables...
    11:50:17 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables...
    11:50:24 -- aqua8821 : Bye.~wgbl.bye
    11:50:25 -- aqua8821 : Bye.~wgbl.bye
    11:50:25 -- [Kr] Theorem : Good bye.~wgbl.bye
    11:50:26 -- AngelSwords : Shut up
    11:50:27 -- [Kr] Theorem : Disengaging conversation with AngelSwords.
    11:50:27 -- [Kr] Theorem : Good bye.~wgbl.bye
    11:50:28 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables in 3 minutes.
    11:51:23 -- RonanZero : Woohoo!~wgbl.woohoo
    11:52:19 -- RonanZero : Woohoo!~wgbl.woohoo
    11:53:06 -- RonanZero : i am not in jail!
    11:53:12 -- RonanZero : Hi.~wgbl.hi
    11:53:13 -- [Kr] Theorem : Hello.~wgbl.hi
    11:53:27 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables...
    11:55:06 -- RonanZero : lets talk/chat
    11:55:08 -- RonanZero : hi
    11:56:23 -- RonanZero : the ship!
    11:56:31 -- [Kr] Theorem : [Kr] Theorem: Ow!.~wavo.deathcry_01
    11:57:12 -- [Kr] Theorem : Good bye.~wgbl.bye
    11:57:17 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables in 3 minutes.
    11:58:06 -- [Kr] Apex : Hi!~wgbl.hi
    11:58:12 -- [Kr] Theorem : Hello.~wgbl.hi
    11:58:36 -- capt ko : Hi.~wgbl.hi
    11:58:42 -- [Kr] Theorem : Hello.~wgbl.hi
    11:58:08 -- [Kr] Apex : Hey is AngelSwords here?
    11:58:17 -- capt ko : nope
    11:58:21 -- [Kr] Apex : Dang
    11:58:23 -- capt ko : y
    11:59:06 -- [Kr] Apex : I was going to ask him if he wanted to become an admin
    11:59:06 -- RonanZero : Move, please!~wvqk.move
    11:59:07 -- [Kr] Theorem : No. Do not ask for administrator status on this server.~wgbl.no
    11:59:11 -- [Kr] Theorem : [Kr] Theorem: Ow!.~wavo.deathcry_01
    11:59:19 -- capt ko : .....................
    11:59:23 -- [Kr] Apex : Theorem Disengage Chat
    11:59:24 -- [Kr] Theorem : Conversation interface enabled. Say 'stop talking' to disable.
    11:59:24 -- [Kr] Theorem : {s}Theorem: Command declined.~wcmd.decline
    11:59:30 -- [Kr] Theorem : Good bye.~wgbl.bye
    11:59:30 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables in 3 minutes.
    11:59:34 -- capt ko : i thought u would pick me =[
    12:00:30 -- [Kr] Apex : Why?
    12:00:06 -- capt ko : because i asked
    12:00:12 -- [Kr] Apex : I dont give to people who ask
    12:00:19 -- capt ko : ok u had a happy face
    12:00:24 -- [Kr}Therom : Hi.~wgbl.hi
    12:00:24 -- [Kr] Theorem : Hello.~wgbl.hi
    12:00:25 -- [Kr] Apex : Huh?
    12:00:34 -- capt ko : ":)
    12:01:18 -- [Kr] Apex : Hm.
    12:01:23 -- capt ko : "*
    12:01:53 -- capt ko : and then u said
    12:01:18 -- capt ko : "theorem is enough enforcement around so far"
    12:01:23 -- [Kr] Apex : Because he is
    12:01:27 -- capt ko : how?
    12:01:30 -- [Kr] Apex : I just want one more person
    12:02:17 -- [Kr] Apex : It's going to be Angel.
    12:02:30 -- azooz11 : yy
    12:02:42 -- capt ko : i would be your man highly responsible
    12:02:11 -- capt ko : if i wanna keep something im going to keep it
    12:02:26 -- capt ko : change my attitude :)
    12:02:26 -- [Kr] Apex : Angel has proved to me that he is worthy
    12:02:29 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables...
    12:03:00 -- capt ko : i am to
    12:03:17 -- [Kr] Theorem : Good bye.~wgbl.bye
    12:03:23 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables in 3 minutes.
    12:03:30 -- [Kr] Apex : How?
    12:03:42 -- capt ko : im very good with explosives
    12:03:06 -- capt ko : very goood
    12:03:10 -- [Kr] Apex : Thats not what I meant.
    12:03:14 -- capt ko : in what way
    12:03:19 -- [Kr] Apex : Well
    12:03:21 -- [Kr] Theorem : [Kr] Theorem: Ack!.~wavo.deathcry_02
    12:03:22 -- [Kr] Apex : For starts.
    12:03:31 -- capt ko : u just got lit up by a plasma turret......
    12:03:32 -- [Kr] Apex : Angel hasn't done anything wrong in this server
    12:04:06 -- capt ko : i hardly see him on it =P
    12:04:15 -- capt ko : and im practically on every day
    12:04:24 -- [Kr] Apex : You have done I think somebody told me over 20 things that bugged them and other on this server
    12:04:31 -- [Kr] Apex : Angel comes on once in a while
    12:05:24 -- [Kr] Theorem : [Kr] Theorem: Ow!.~wavo.deathcry_01
    12:05:47 -- capt ko : u need enforcement 7 days a week
    12:05:08 -- [Kr] Apex : And one other thing is that Angel lives 2 doors down from me
    12:05:15 -- [Kr] Apex : Well...
    12:05:16 -- [Kr] Apex : Houses.
    12:05:20 -- capt ko : i no
    12:05:28 -- [Kr] Apex : Ok.
    12:06:12 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables...
    12:06:14 -- [Kr] Apex : Awwe
    12:06:15 -- capt ko : thatll solve turret probs
    12:06:18 -- [Kr] Apex : I thank you.~wvqk.thanks
    12:06:21 -- capt ko : but not clamp
    12:06:24 -- [Kr] Apex : Command Acknowledged.~wcmd.acknowledge
    12:07:09 -- [Kr] Apex : Maybe take out the clamps?
    12:07:16 -- capt ko : nah i need em for break iners
    12:07:19 -- [Kr] Apex : Command Acknowledged.~wcmd.acknowledge
    12:07:22 -- capt ko : such as ...........
    12:07:28 -- [Kr] Apex : Zipperdude?
    12:08:00 -- capt ko : i didnt want to give names...
    12:08:18 -- capt ko : o well
    12:08:35 -- capt ko : crappage
    12:08:05 -- [Kr] Apex : Zipper never listens
    12:08:05 -- capt ko : crappage number 2
    12:08:05 -- capt ko : crappage number 2
    12:08:10 -- Zipperdude : Hai!~wgbl.hi
    12:08:10 -- [Kr] Theorem : Hello.~wgbl.hi
    12:08:10 -- [Kr] Apex : Hi!~wgbl.hi
    12:08:15 -- capt ko : he's right there apex
    12:08:17 -- Zipperdude : Was Angelswords here?
    12:08:31 -- [Kr] Apex : No clue I was told he left before I came
    12:09:54 -- capt ko : apex is the rep sphere almost finished?
    12:09:10 -- [Kr] Apex : No.~wgbl.no
    12:09:12 -- capt ko : dang....
    12:09:21 -- [Kr] Apex : Its about half way
    12:09:28 -- capt ko : what needs to be done
    12:10:11 -- [Kr] Apex : Nothing just fixing the glitches
    12:10:11 -- [Kr] Apex : Glitches and a couple bugs here and there
    12:10:26 -- capt ko : can u fix the transportgun glitch
    12:10:32 -- [Kr] Apex : Whats wrong with it?
    12:10:33 -- capt ko : the key to crappages breakins
    12:10:35 -- capt ko : come
    12:11:07 -- [Kr] Apex : Command Acknowledged.~wcmd.acknowledge
    12:11:31 -- capt ko : apex towards the ship
    12:11:35 -- [Kr] Apex : Command Acknowledged.~wcmd.acknowledge
    12:12:21 -- capt ko : apex?
    12:12:22 -- [Kr] Apex : Now where?
    12:12:24 -- capt ko : the ship
    12:12:27 -- [Kr] Apex : Im inside ship
    12:12:31 -- capt ko : outside the ship
    12:12:35 -- [Kr] Apex : Blaaahaahaahahahahaaa!~wgbl.woohoo
    12:13:07 -- [Kr] Apex : Oops.~wgbl.oops
    12:13:21 -- capt ko : i might do this wrong
    12:13:24 -- capt ko : see
    12:13:26 -- [Kr] Apex : Wth?
    12:13:30 -- capt ko : i go thru it
    12:14:05 -- [Kr] Apex : strange...
    12:14:11 -- capt ko : but i hit u that timei think
    12:14:11 -- capt ko : eh
    12:14:22 -- capt ko : not working =P
    12:14:26 -- capt ko : but u saw me go thru right
    12:14:26 -- [Kr] Apex : Hmm
    12:14:31 -- [Kr] Apex : Alright I will see what I can do
    12:15:10 -- [Kr] Apex : Zipperdude you sitll with us?
    12:15:13 -- Zipperdude : yea
    12:15:13 -- capt ko : u should put a message when he dies
    12:15:17 -- capt ko : some1 dies doing glitch
    12:15:22 -- [Kr] Apex : Command Acknowledged.~wcmd.acknowledge
    12:15:23 -- capt ko : stop breaking in lardo
    12:16:08 -- Zipperdude : Bye.~wgbl.bye
    12:16:08 -- [Kr] Theorem : Good bye.~wgbl.bye
    12:16:10 -- [Kr] Apex : Wait
    12:16:11 -- capt ko : i did it apex
    12:16:11 -- Zipperdude : ?
    12:16:12 -- [Kr] Theorem : Good bye.~wgbl.bye
    12:16:12 -- [Kr] Apex : Zipper
    12:16:13 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables in 3 minutes.
    12:16:15 -- Zipperdude : Yea?
    12:16:18 -- [Kr] Apex : Do you know where Angel is?
    12:16:21 -- Zipperdude : No.
    12:16:22 -- Zipperdude : Sorry.~wvqk.sorry
    12:16:23 -- [Kr] Apex : Dang
    12:16:25 -- Zipperdude : Why?
    12:16:30 -- [Kr] Apex : I was going to ask if he wanted to become an Admin
    12:17:11 -- Zipperdude : No, He said he was Quiting Tribes
    12:17:09 -- [Kr] Apex : Thats not what he told me
    12:17:10 -- capt ko : ill take spot till he comes back :) happy face
    12:17:15 -- Zipperdude : He told me at School on Friday...
    12:18:53 -- [Kr] Apex : He told me that he would help me with a project for Tribes I'm working on that he would help me yesterday
    12:18:06 -- Zipperdude : What I would do to become admin...
    12:18:10 -- Zipperdude : I would help you
    12:18:13 -- [Kr] Apex : No
    12:18:19 -- capt ko : if thats to me
    12:18:20 -- [Kr] Apex : I need Angel's great building skills
    12:18:22 -- capt ko : :( sad face
    12:18:33 -- Zipperdude : WHAT! I Showed him how to Build!
    12:18:34 -- [Kr] Theorem : Use F2 to access building help files.
    12:19:48 -- [Kr] Apex : Besides you suck at building compared to Angel
    12:19:10 -- Zipperdude : wait...
    12:19:11 -- capt ko : o damn apex
    12:19:11 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables...
    12:19:14 -- [Kr] Apex : Admins are great builders not creators of spam
    12:19:16 -- Zipperdude : Apex You ARE Angelswords
    12:19:18 -- capt ko : hey if i made a replica of a p51d mustang
    12:19:23 -- capt ko : would u let me in
    12:19:30 -- [Kr] Apex : Im not Angel
    12:19:32 -- Zipperdude : Yes You are. Apex is a Admin. It says Your Not.
    12:20:18 -- [Kr] Apex : Im not Angel
    12:20:48 -- [Kr] Apex : Gtg
    12:20:06 -- capt ko : lol
    12:20:07 -- [Kr] Theorem : Good bye.~wgbl.bye
    12:20:07 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables in 3 minutes.
    12:20:34 -- [Kr] Theorem : [Kr] Theorem: Ow!.~wavo.deathcry_01
    12:22:06 -- [Kr] Theorem : Good bye.~wgbl.bye
    12:22:06 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables in 3 minutes.
    12:25:53 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables...
    12:27:06 -- [Kr] Theorem : [Kr] Theorem: Ack!.~wavo.deathcry_02
    12:37:06 -- azooz11 : Destroy enemy sensors!~watt.sensors
    12:43:15 -- capt ko : side
    12:43:20 -- sidewinder2 : Yes.~wgbl.yes
    12:43:21 -- [Kr] Theorem : No.~wgbl.no
    12:43:25 -- capt ko : u no where angelsword is at
    12:43:29 -- sidewinder2 : No.~wgbl.no
    12:43:32 -- capt ko : well angel be admin
    12:44:11 -- capt ko : soon
    12:44:11 -- capt ko : soon
    12:44:16 -- capt ko : when he or she gets on
    12:45:12 -- sidewinder2 : Apex made him admin?
    12:45:15 -- capt ko : apex will soon
    12:45:18 -- capt ko : when he catches hi
    12:45:19 -- capt ko : him
    12:45:27 -- sidewinder2 : I highly doubt that
    12:46:00 -- capt ko : highly doubt that he will catch him
    12:47:06 -- sidewinder2 : That Apex will catch him? or Angel catch Apex?
    12:47:15 -- capt ko : first one
    12:47:24 -- capt ko : angel doesnt no yet i suppose
    12:48:23 -- azooz11 : iam the brother of this player
    12:48:10 -- sidewinder2 : Who told you this?
    12:53:21 -- [Kr] Theorem : sidewinder2 has been marked as away.
    12:59:15 -- Titch : Hai
    12:59:35 -- Titch : Yes.~wgbl.yes
    13:00:25 -- Titch : has become a.....KITTY!~wvqk.move
    13:00:26 -- [Kr] Theorem : sidewinder2 has been marked as present. You were away for approx. 12 minutes.
    13:01:23 -- [Kr] Theorem : Good bye.~wgbl.bye
    13:01:30 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables in 3 minutes.
    13:01:23 -- [Kr] Theorem : Good bye.~wgbl.bye
    13:01:23 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables in 3 minutes.
    13:03:17 -- Titch : has become a.....KITTY!~wvqk.move
    13:04:22 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables...
    13:05:26 -- [Kr] Theorem : It seems as if sidewinder2 has stepped away from the keyboard.
    13:07:12 -- [Kr] Theorem : Good bye.~wgbl.bye
    13:07:12 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables in 3 minutes.
    13:09:14 -- [Kr] Theorem : sidewinder2 has returned. You were away for approx. 8 minutes.
    13:10:11 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables...
    13:11:24 -- sidewinder2 : Woohoo!~wgbl.woohoo
    13:15:28 -- [Kr] Theorem : Good bye.~wgbl.bye
    13:15:28 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables in 3 minutes.
    13:16:30 -- capt ko : Hi.~wgbl.hi
    13:16:36 -- [Kr] Theorem : Hello.~wgbl.hi
    13:16:08 -- capt ko : side
    13:16:10 -- sidewinder2 : Yes.~wgbl.yes
    13:16:19 -- capt ko : when is apex going to fix this small turret and repair turret crap
    13:16:22 -- capt ko : when u load it
    13:16:25 -- capt ko : they wont do nything
    13:16:28 -- capt ko : so u have to del and replace it
    13:17:30 -- sidewinder2 : i dont think he will get to the repair turret, that would take a long while to do
    13:18:27 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables...
    13:19:23 -- capt ko : side
    13:19:48 -- sidewinder2 : Yes.~wgbl.yes
    13:19:11 -- capt ko : do me a favor and nuke my ship twice in a row
    13:19:15 -- capt ko : like at same time
    13:19:19 -- capt ko : use to jerichos
    13:19:21 -- capt ko : 2
    13:19:23 -- sidewinder2 : Command acknowledged.~wcmd.acknowledge
    13:20:00 -- capt ko : use the atomic nuke cannon
    13:20:18 -- capt ko : a.s.s. bunker?
    13:23:29 -- capt ko : errr
    13:24:11 -- capt ko : it can hold 4?
    13:24:25 -- Titch : Please stop Shooting at me!
    13:24:30 -- sidewinder2 : Yes.~wgbl.yes
    13:24:35 -- [Kr] Theorem : Good bye.~wgbl.bye
    13:25:00 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables in 3 minutes.
    13:25:30 -- capt ko : y is it starting to crash
    13:25:10 -- sidewinder2 : yes, 4
    13:25:14 -- capt ko : use this1
    13:25:31 -- capt ko : y is it lagggggggggggggging
    13:26:41 -- capt ko : omg apex better get here tp fox this
    13:26:30 -- [Kr] Theorem : Good bye.~wgbl.bye
    13:26:31 -- [Kr] Theorem : Removing orphaned deployables in 3 minutes.
    13:29:11 -- sidewinder2 : Shazbot!~wgbl.shazbot
    15:25:15 -- Crappage : Hi!~wgbl.hi
    15:25:16 -- [Kr] Theorem : Hello.~wgbl.hi
    15:25:23 -- [Kr] Apex : Hi.~wgbl.hi
    15:25:24 -- [Kr] Theorem : Hello.~wgbl.hi
    15:25:28 -- [Kr] Apex : My server was yelling at everyone apparently.
    15:25:34 -- Crappage : Eh?
    15:26:08 -- [Kr] Apex : Something was messed up, so it thought everybody was attempting a "man in the middle" attack.
    15:26:22 -- Crappage : uhh
    15:26:26 -- [Kr] Apex : So capt ko apologized to me last night.
    15:26:33 -- Crappage : Heh
    15:27:06 -- [Kr] Apex : Somehow I don't think it will change his behavior.
    15:27:18 -- Crappage : See how long that lasts...
    15:29:18 -- Crappage : Hi!~wgbl.hi
    15:29:23 -- [Kr] Theorem : Hello.~wgbl.hi
    15:29:30 -- [Kr] Apex : Hi.~wgbl.hi
    15:29:14 -- sidewinder2 : Hi.~wgbl.hi
    15:29:15 -- [Kr] Theorem : Hello.~wgbl.hi
    15:31:30 -- sidewinder2 : The enemy's in our base.~wbas.enemy
    15:31:08 -- sidewinder2 : No.~wgbl.no
    15:31:08 -- [Kr] Theorem : Yes.~wgbl.yes
    15:31:09 -- Crappage : No.~wgbl.no
    15:31:21 -- [Kr] Apex : Shazbot!~wgbl.shazbot
    15:33:06 -- sidewinder2 : Woohoo!~wgbl.woohoo
    15:33:07 -- Crappage : Uh-Huh.~wvqk.yes
    15:33:08 -- sidewinder2 : Yes.~wgbl.yes
    15:33:35 -- Crappage : Would be great to have 8 turrets
    15:34:53 -- Crappage : fffffffff
    15:34:08 -- [Kr] Apex : What if I added custom targeting to the small turrets?
    15:34:17 -- sidewinder2 : yeah, i think the problem with Savar is over, but then it's max
    15:34:31 -- Crappage : Then I get an extra turret, cause I can replace the indoor one with clamps
    15:35:12 -- [Kr] Apex : Lovely
    15:35:11 -- sidewinder2 : Woohoo!~wgbl.woohoo
    15:35:13 -- Crappage : Good shot!~wgbl.shooting
    15:35:21 -- sidewinder2 : Thanks.~wvqk.thanks
    15:35:24 -- Crappage : No.~wgbl.no
    15:35:25 -- sidewinder2 : Sorry.~wvqk.sorry"

    Sorry for it being so long, but cap ko almost made Sloik angry, I have never, ever, EVER scene him get angry, He(cap ko) acts like he owns the place sometime in my optinion.

    Love yah vaz and Dead :D great admins ;)
  • btw do u play still

    I may do some stuff that people claim as abuse, but what are you talking about there?

    I was being sarcastic, in a way sort of mocking all those who keep positing "VAZO ABUSES OMGWTFBBQ!?!1" threads. I have not seen you abuse, regardless of what the countless retards are constantly saying in those threads - unless I see it, I wont believe it.
  • capt ko and CaptainKO are not the same person retribution... "capt ko" is a stalker of CaptainKO, and a man-crusher of me.
  • Is [Kr]Theorem a bot? The other day when I was on BC he joined and started asking me about Zipperdude. He said something about do I know him and if not I should get to know him.

    It was weird.
  • Someone just made account with name Theorem...
  • what a funny bot...you know if you ask it the time, it tells you it?
    I wish all pubbie bots were like that.

    Vazzy copied Shanes title!
  • I know you know what to do, but the real question is if you know I know what you know what to do.

  • Someone just made account with name Theorem...

    It's probably erog46 or capt ko.
  • Crappage is the real problem... first day with TN and he managed to make me hate him.
    15:33:35 -- Crappage : Would be great to have 8 turrets

    He... must... die.
    It's probably erog46 or capt ko.

    Lol... ahem... pay no attention to me... >.>
  • I just thought it was funny that he wanted me to "get to know zipperdude." haha
  • Lol... ahem... pay no attention to me... >.>

    You are not the bot we're looking for???
  • You are not the bot we're looking for???

    Lets just say... I shot him and then sold him to some old famer and his nephew.
  • Lets just say... I shot him and then sold him to some old famer and his nephew.

    Aye. And I mounted his hide over mai mantle, aint dat raight Jimmy-Bo?

    *spits into jug*

    Yeeeap. Ima watch me some NASCAR after I tend to my prize cattle. Woo WEEH, ole' Bessy, here I coem!

    *spits into jug, then eats some jerky with a bottle of Mountain Dew*

  • The Mountain Dew threw me off.
  • The Mountain Dew threw me off.
    ^said Vazolyth.

    They sell Mountain Dew in America?
  • Whats this mountain dew you speak of?
  • yeah, i for one aint heard of it here... being a brit is fucking boring i have to admit :P
  • its a drink like Sprite.
  • its a drink like Sprite.

    wow, fast reply, and also, thats pretty cool. :D
  • its a drink like Sprite.

    I only drink Rye and Gingerale... EVER.
  • its a drink like Sprite.
    only much better
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