
how do you use the schedule(); script?
and how do you end it...


  • If you need to schedule a function to run after a certain period of time, you could run something like:
    %obj.timer = schedule(%timeinms,0,"functionname",%args,%moreargs);
    and stop it before it completes with
  • what if im not using %obj.timer = schedule();

    if i am just using schedule(blah, "functionblah", %blah);

    would i just use cancel(schedule)?
  • If you knew the ID of the schedule, you could.
    Of course you could set the schedule on a $global variable as well if you're not using it on some object or whatever.
  • i still cant get it to work... what am i doing wrong?
    it works in which if you go outside the mission area it will kill you, but i cant get it to turn off...

    maybe if i do $area instead of %mission?

    and what is the second number for schedule(Timeinms, whatsthisfor, "function", %args, %otherargs);

    //                                  By: BlitzTorque
    //                            Locks The Mission Area
    function ccLockArea(%sender){
          if (!%sender.isadmin){
             messageclient(%sender, 'MsgClient', "\c2Admins only.");
          %mission = MissionArea;
            %mission.isLocked = false;
            messageall('MsgAdminForce', "\c5"@%sender.namebase SPC "\c2 has unlocked the mission area");
             %mission.isLocked = true;
             messageall('MsgAdminForce', "\c5"@%sender.namebase SPC "\c2 has locked the mission area");
    function lookforplayers(){
          %client = ClientGroup.getObject(%i);
          //schedule(500, 0, "lookforplayers", %client);
                messageall('AdminForce', "\c3"@%client.namebase SPC "\c2walked stepped outside the safe-zone");
       %mission.timer = schedule(500, 0, "lookforplayers");//schedule(500, 0, "lookforplayers");//, %client);
  • Well for starters, the %mission in your lookforplayers() function is undefined.
    If all you want to do is make a regular schedule loop stop, all you had to do was stick something like "if (!$LockedArea) return;" at the top of the function you had looping.

    It seems like you're taking the nasa route for something that would otherwise be just a simple add, sticking a bit in DefaultGame::leaveMissionArea
    function DefaultGame::leaveMissionArea(%game, %playerData, %player)
            if(%player.getState() $= "Dead")
            [b]if ($LockedArea) {
         	  messageall('AdminForce', "\c3"@%client.namebase SPC "\c2stepped outside the safe-zone.");
            %player.client.outOfBounds = true;
            messageClient(%player.client, 'LeaveMissionArea', '\c1You left the mission area.~wfx/misc/warning_beep.wav');
  • wow... i did all that for nothing... hahaha
  • i want to know something thought

    i tried a $lockarea instead of $lockedarea but instead of putting if(!$lockarea) return;
    i put if($lockarea = false) return; why didnt that work?
  • Your operator was wrong, you'd need to use == instead of =.
  • oh... lol thanks :D
  • Your operator was wrong, you'd need to use == instead of =.

    gotta love logic and booleans :D
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