How do I?

Is there some sort of comprehensive guide to all the commands, and how things work? I am finding it slightly difficult to learn how to do everything. I have a very creative mind, and the more I know, the more I can create. I just started a day or two ago, and this is my first project. Figuring out to make the loop not come back on itself was fun.
I am a sheet metal layout mechanic by trade, one of the top in the country, so patterning stuff from 2d into 3d is what I do. Now I want to apply what I know to the game. Any help or links is appreciated.
  • screen1.png


  • type /help in global chat.
    That might help a bit, riverrat.
  • Thanks Demon, I've done that, and it is a bit difficult to navigate through and find answers. Someone should make a list of all the /..."" commands.
    I'm gettin it though.
  • Stolen from this thread:

    "1. /setsize x y z
    2. /getsize
    3. /set nudge x y z to move pieces with out a move tool
    4. /cloak (quick tip you can use blue pad texture on the texture changing tool /cloak it to make glass)
    5. /e sit to sit
    6. /e lie to lay down
    7. /set nudge all x y z to move all your pieces at once
    8. /givecard (name) (level)
    9. /stripcard (name) (level)
    10. /badd (name) to add a buddy
    11. /bdel (name) to reove buddy
    12. /explode for obvious results
    13. /opendoor *password* to open passworded doors
    14. /setrot * changes the Construction Tool's rotation angle by whatever you put in
    15. /setfreq * changes your power frequency
    16. /me(1-5) changes the colour your emotes are written in the global chat
    17. /setdoorpass (words or numbers) to set a doorpassword
    There is also /set mod [#] for setting the modification tool's setting."

    Just mess around with those commands, the /help commands, and ask other people for help. Also check out this video:

    If I'm ever on you can ask for help ^^
  • And if you have questions, don't be afraid to ask in game, most people are friendly. I've learned more that way than by any help document.

    Look here For the metallic commands that are available, it's not complete though.
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