Cheap wifi receiver for xbox360?

Can i use ipod touch as wireless receiver on my xbox 360? I hate booting up my computer when i want to play on Xbox live. :confused:


  • It took quite a bit of research to find the answer. First try this . If that doesn't work, then try this.
  • I did try google (of course) but it only show'd tutorials to use it as modem for pc (actually it was iphone...) So i thought if anyone around here could help me.
    PS. I love Rick Astley :D
  • In my humble experience, I doubt the answer is going to be any better than turning your computer on everytime you want to play Xbox :D
  • Or i could use some cheap router with that specific firmware (cant remember it some DD-...) as wireless adapter. ;)
  • Sounds terrific! :cool:
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