New Command Suggestion

I've been trying to figure out how to make spheres using triangles and found that it is difficult, but possible...

However, to achieve this a new command needs to be created.

Through trial and error I found that the degrees needed to make triangular spheres deals with 4 thankfully simply degrees:
1. 60 degrees would be for each internal angle of an equilateral triangle
2. 120 degrees would be for each external angle of an equilateral triangle
3. 72 degrees would be for each internal angle of a right pentagon (shown in screenshot #3).
4. 36 degrees would be for the internal angle difference between 2 equilateral triangles in a spherical model.

Simply put, there's no command (to the extent of my knowledge) that allows you to specify the angle of walkways. Yes, it has to be with walkways and not just grabbing the con tool and typing /set rot 36 because the corners would have gaps, which I'm not a fan of.

Therefore, I'd suggest the new command to be in the form of "/set angle up #" and "/set angle down #". This follows the consistency of the /set* commands while being fairly simple to understand.

The ultimate goal of this is to customize walkway angles down to the last decimal.

Note: Screenshot #3 shows a shared corner, but if you look closely you'll see that the corner isn't in uniform, which is because the above triangles do not meet up along one side, but rather cross at one point due to using an incorrect angle.
  • screen1.png
  • screen2.png
  • screen3.png


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