a gift

to anyone who can use it.

most of the t2 scripts require my patched client
boxplayerhighlighter has some typo somewhere, use the other version i posted in forums...
aa requires lua

the patches and patcher to create my patched client is provided

the source code to create my dll is provided, though you need to download lua5.1 seperately

the dso decompiler doesn't actually work, but the disassembler part does

t2f creates a bot to enter and leave server repeatedly, run multiple instantances for maximum effect


  • Is this a goodbye?
  • nah, he prolly just feels like he... should give back?
  • Linker gave us so much tho, the wormholes, the lua, the ramped-up version of a logic pack!
  • No, he just wants to see everyone and their mother download this and try it. It's like chaos.
  • Lol, or, this is phase 2 in his 3 phase plan to remove the combat aspect of Tribes2 leaving only our little sandbox :P
  • Why wouldn't we play sauerbraten?
  • What about cube2?
  • uhh, I keep getting a T2DLL Failed to load error.

    Me and Deadsoldier troubleshooted for a while and got nowhere. Any ideas?
  • Did anyone ever find out how to use this?
  • it doesn't work with TN because TN requires a modified EXE different from the one provided.
  • Laughably untrue. The TN codebase is based on the t2dll framework that Linker released in that gift archive. I made significant modifications to use GCC instead of the MS compiler, but a few of the functions still look identical. The TN patched executable itself should be identical, or very similar to the ones generated by the gift.

    So, did anyone figure out how to use it? Of course. Understandably, there's a basic level of knowledge for something like this to be useful. If all you've done is hack out barely functional script code, the contents of that archive must look like complete magic.
  • So, did anyone figure out how to use it?
    I just stumbled upon it, but yes. Interesting to see different ways of doing things.
  • I bet it's cake.
  • I've had this for quite a while now. It's not too hard to understand.
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