Black and White 1 on XP?

Before I go into too much detail and get too confusing, I am wondering if Anyone is of use at any help to help me run Black and White 1 on Windows XP OR Vista.
Here is what I asked on the Lionhead Forum Boards,

Quite depressing and disappointing indeed. I have been trying to run Black and White 1 on windows XP (Service Pack 2), With Hyperthreading disabled, AGP Texturing disabled, and Tried ALL Compatibility Options, (With Version 1.2). I have even tried BnW:CI and it doesn't work either.
So, I'll click the launch shortcut to start up the game, and heres what happens. The screen changes resolution, I see the "RunBlack" window pop up for 5 seconds, my screen goes black, and then suddenly, BAM! it goes back to desktop. I have even tried downgrading my drivers, and tried reinstalling, Just no Luck.
I have been thinking that maybe my ATI X850 Pro is causing problems, but it is upgraded completely. I've been having second thoughts of downgrading to Windows 98 JUST to play Black and White 1 (miss the Map editing days along with talking gods) , Unless Windows Vista works with the game.
Other than that, I have tried everything that was said to fix the problems, I also tried installing the 1.3 Patch, (I have a P5 Glove) with no luck, it STILL kicks me out.
Much Help would greatly be appreciated!



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