
Yep... that's right. I am retiring from Construction. For a long time. You may see me on every few days or so, but hardly ever.
I will give a quote of what i said to my |EB| Members.

"A very sad day to come... I am Retiring from Construction, and Tribes 2. I may come on every now and then. But I will mostly be offline. If you ever want to find me, I'll most likely be playing Battlefield 2142. My soldier's name is "Kaidolyth". Exactly like mine right now.
Anyways, I'll miss you all for quite some time. Perhaps, I'll return in the mear future when Starsiege Construction is released. But Until then, "Gonna miss you all"

-I have left UltraCon in Top Command.
I just ask of rank 3's and 4's, Dont abuse your ranking permissions, dont promote for no reason, Dont disband the tribe, and dont edit the browser. You may edit the browser "News" but that is all. If you wish to edit the browser in any way, please try to contact me when I am available.

A.K.A. -Master-Chief-"


  • Kay.

    Seriously, that sucks. We need people like you.
    NEED THEM. The servers are starting to cram with idiots.
  • A bit young to be "retiring" I'd say... and all a bit dramatic.
    Clearly I don't know all the details, but it's not like the mod is something that needs to be played daily with no chance for another game to be played.

    I really don't believe construction should be something that you'd need to retire from, but as with all things, you must take it in moderation. Too much all at once and you might feel it's become a chore or that you've run out of ideas.

    I have gone on hiatus for few months a couple times myself, the times that come to mind being while most of the first generation had faded away, as well as a considerable time during the springs of the last few years. When I stop playing for a month or more because of work or whatever, my head gets packed full of new ideas for buildings that I would love to put together, but don't have the time to do.
    But then, each time I've come back the faces I'd known had been replaced with others, a lot of the players becoming more interested in the destruction aspect than constructing the grand structures there have been in the past.

    If you feel like it, you can sit around in our IRC channel, #raptorhideout on
    It used to be a veritable hotspot for 'retired' construction veterans, but the numbers have dropped quite a bit recently. Construct himself is usually in there, but had to format his computer a little while back and hasn't bothered to reinstall IRC.
  • Exactly as Krash said. It's a little too dramatic. But to lighten up the mood, Colts Won.
  • Yeah it is actually..

    Well I'm on my friends computer right now, I got enough time to set up another forum I made. It has both tribes 2 and BF2142 on it. Well see you guys later I g2g
  • Ive never retired, just got a life lol :)
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