Leaving T2 For Awhile

For those of you wondering where I am, I am working on my C&C Generals ZH Mod, Expanded Wars. I will be doing so for a few weeks, maybe months. And due to my new job, my time on work is quite limited so progress on updating said mod is slow.

I may come on T2 every once in a while but for now, I have other projects to do.



  • it seems like 90% of the people who announce that they are leaving a game are back in a few days... whenever I leave a game i just end up leaving it, but that is just me.

    good luck with the mod tho, any details?
  • Hye phantom! nice....are you gonna stick some uberscript in that mod like x10 ion cannon power or something like a bonus cheat code?
  • Zaxx... I love your ignorance.
  • Hye phantom! nice....are you gonna stick some uberscript in that mod like x10 ion cannon power or something like a bonus cheat code?
    ... Where did that come from?
  • ... Where did that come from?
    Once more...
    Zaxx... I love your ignorance.
    See what I mean?
  • It is random, not ignorant.
  • It came from an ignorant person.
  • So it is ignorance.
  • Zaxxman isn't ignorant.
  • It came from an ignorant person.
    Seek not the wickedness amongst your neighbors lest it find purchase in your own house.

    Or... don't call the kettle black, if you're the pot.
  • Blnukem is pot? He didn't tell me that...
  • *chuckles*
    Blnukem, i highly doubt you have ever played generals, or the ZH addon,
    i might send it to you, but then again
    It came from an ignorant person
  • wtf?!? fuel strike xD
    and whats with the cactus?
    party on saturday w000!
  • it seems like 90% of the people who announce that they are leaving a game are back in a few days... whenever I leave a game i just end up leaving it, but that is just me.

    good luck with the mod tho, any details?

    So true. They go and then they return, like clockwork :wave:
  • Hmmm Dristol... Where have i heard your name before?
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