New construction tool(idea)



  • Another problem is unpredictability, i never ever used the auto-axis split feature because half the time it does the split ont he wrong axis. Maybe its because i don't know the mechanism behind how the axis is chosen, but there isn't any handy documentation system that explains it to me. So i always end up relying on manual axis selecting.

    Draw an imaginary X over the face you are splitting, creating 4 isosceles triangles. Anything in the upper triangle or lower triangle will be split as |. Anything in the left triangle or the right triangle will be split as -.

    Basically, whatever axis you are closer to is what it is split on. That X pattern is the result.

    Ideally I would draw that sort of X highlight whenever you aim at a piece with the tool, and maybe even show where the split itself would occur. It just never happened.
    I already did, just for fun. Although it's not exactly like yours and it has a few "quirks." I never released it because I didn't get permission from you to take your idea and duplicate it. So, the weapon code is gone, but I still have the manipulation function.

    I've seen it, and it did not stay aligned with the player crosshair along the single axis of freedom. That makes it rather obnoxious to use, because the piece you are moving might be outside your view.

    And since when was it my idea? The tool is called the editor tool because it is an attempt to make the useful editor functions available in a user accessible manner. All of the prior art is in the editor, and I doubt anyone can claim that the user interaction methods in the editor are all that unique themselves.

    The bigger issue is your implementation.
  • I've seen it, and it did not stay aligned with the player crosshair along the single axis of freedom.
    I never took the time to fix that bug, because I never really planned to make it into something big.
  • I never took the time to fix that bug, because I never really planned to make it into something big.

    You should Eolk, i'd love to see it.

    Linker: I read Elect's mondo posts.
  • I read it also. Elec = king of the $20 words! ;)
    The dude is just way too damnned smart.
  • whats so bad about eolk's tool? :confused: works fine with me.
  • It doesn't touch loaded pieces. Found that out unhappily a few days back.
  • Is it using .owner instead of .getOwner()?
  • Yeah. I fixed that today. That was exactly causing it.
  • I like to measure my own distances from things. Letting the construction tool do it for you is scary. It's like letting a robot make you a sandwich. One day, your sandwich will be made of tasty death and you can't say I didn't warn you.
  • I like to measure my own distances from things. Letting the construction tool do it for you is scary. It's like letting a robot make you a sandwich. One day, your sandwich will be made of tasty death and you can't say I didn't warn you.

    I want to eat your soul. :wave:
  • I like to measure my own distances from things. Letting the construction tool do it for you is scary.
    Where did that come from?
  • I'm responding to the first post, I didn't read the rest of the thread.
  • I would like a flashlight no only 2 mod servers have flash lights!
  • So is somebody going to make Stacker tool?
  • Before I waste my time, is it worth reading those LOONNGGG posts?

    Btw, I dont mind Eolk's tool either; but I also haven't used it.
  • Thread revived!
    So, is anyone going to make it
  • Thread revived!
    So, is anyone going to make it
    When I have the time (I promise).
  • Thread revived!
    So, is anyone going to make it

    No. Don't revive dead posts.
  • Ahh, there is again, go away you evil monkey!!!
  • Who is evil monkey?
  • I read Thyth's posts. I find them educational and quite funny at times.

    Thyth is too smart.

  • Ask Zaris, he knows the evil monkey, I just see him on posts every now and then, AHH!! THERE HE IS AGAIN!!!
  • Evil_Monkey_301.gif
    I found the evil monkey!
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