EMC mod Evaluation, MUST READ.

WOW, where to begin. Interesting new weapons, Flashy/ghosted object scaling, a flawless design for the save system. Everything works perfectly.

OR does it?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Leave it to me to find a way to break a mod =D

Don't get me wrong, I like the mod and I think it works great in itself... but I have found 2 issues possibly(outside of that area) I need addressed!

Issue 1: How do i make myself admin? there's no way to initiate a vote (this is in dedicated btw.)

Issue 2: ...While i applaud the fact then when I load a save from other mods MOSTLY all of the pieces show up correctly. You, the reader of this post might wonder, Wtf is that crackhead warlord talking about now? Well, let me try... to explain...

it all has to do with Foo's SAve system I think... and Since foo mysteriously vanished again I don't know if he'd be able to answer this question.

But it all started when I began building my ship. lets say, that when I saved a file at the end of the day my ship was 1,000 pieces. (this is on a normal listen server With Si enabled) Next day. I load 1,000 piece ship, build a little bit. next save... 1,000 pieces turns into 2,000 pieces. Save.

now lets say I delete everything in Editor and start work on a new project that is lets say, 200 pieces, when I save that 2000 pieces even though it was already deleted somehow gets saved with my current building, so it would say something like: Saving building 2,200 pieces. and so on.

To make a long story short my latest file i'm building, which i will post for you to look at, is around 10 pieces. it saved at 27,745 pieces and in EMC mod server AMAZINGLY doesn't crash... but tycho spams the message; Lag spike detected, Duration 2448 milliseconds, over and over and over...

that is one part of the Foo's save issue, now there is a load issue with his save and your mod.

I loaded one of my ships and a 2 crate pieces that was supposed to be on the wing loaded as 1 HUGE beam and crashed the server. Interesting, no?

So I started the server up a second time, loaded again and tried deleting the beam piece before it became visible, server stayed up fine, 2? pieces missing from my ship but no problem for a construction master such as myself, right? easily replaceable. but then I take a screen shot Tycho spams its little lag spike message and BAM server freeze.

the file below is a save file I am currently trying to work on. It is supposed to be a few pictures consisting of about 10 beams, and a generator but if you open the file youll find much more. (over 27,000 deployable spines is what the save said) and all this lag is putting operations to a halt.

(I dunno what you'll find in that file... but if you find any secret stuff plz try and keep it a secret)

If you download the file and try to load it be aware that it it laggy for a minute or less, then it loads, server wouldn't crash. be patient.

  • screen1.png


  • Where i can download ECM?
  • Solution 1
    You have a couple choices.

    Open prefs/ServerPrefs.cs and set a SuperAdmin password
    $Host::AdminPassword = "your spiffy password here";
    and use the SAD console command to login
    sad("your spiffy password here");


    You could add yourself to the GodAdmin list in prefs/ServerPrefs.cs
    $Host::GodAdminList = "yourGUID";

    Solution 2
    You can either open the save file and delete all 27000+ extra pieces that you don't need or, if you're feeling lazy, you can download the one I've stripped.
  • wow thanks turk for the help, I have a few more files i need stripped away but i can do them myself... how did you know what to strip away and delete in all that mess? or how do I do it for my other files?
  • BTW you can DL the EMC mod at the end of the ELEC I NEED YOUR MOD thread, its a great mod!

    /UGH possible suggestion. ADD new Force fields to the mod, the old ones are just.. Old :D
  • Adding new ones isnt too hard, i could add some later if you want. And, there is /promote and /demote for admin commands
  • woot, ok got those problems fixed. now new one... and probably the last. I load a big save... a maybe 20 seconds later server crashes. any thoughts? everything i have deployed should be in his mod.

    those are all with Foos saves btw.
  • Or, if you run in windowed mode, use the commands in this order in your SERVER console:

    listplayers(); [This gets your client ID]

    That will give you superadmin, just add yourself to the admin list from there.
  • You know if it's crashing with my mod's save it's because .69a was never meant for more than 1,000 pieces. Save system may have been changed in my mod, but the load system is exactly the same as it always was. If files are getting all these extra pieces, that would be elect's save system.
  • You know if it's crashing with my mod's save it's because .69a was never meant for more than 1,000 pieces. Save system may have been changed in my mod, but the load system is exactly the same as it always was. If files are getting all these extra pieces, that would be elect's save system.
    Take a closer look at the save file that he posted, so you actually know what you're talking about.
  • actually i think we have concluded that the editor was the problem somehow.

    I fixed the files the same way turk fixed mine, they all load without lag now except, server freezes if not on dedicated with some larger files. ONLY on my computer? Nao tried them on his and he said it didnt freeze so i dunno whats going on exactly. maybe ill play around with some things.

    Btw foo, if your still trolling this post ive got the bluepad cloak issue fixed in your mod.
  • I fixed the files the same way turk fixed mine, they all load without lag now except, server freezes if not on dedicated with some larger files. ONLY on my computer? Nao tried them on his and he said it didnt freeze so i dunno whats going on exactly. maybe ill play around with some things.
    You just suck, what can I say? (Joking.)
  • Warlord, what Eolk to die now? Or later?
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