Run Con Mod for local play

I want to run the con server and play solo locally. I have followed the instructions, deleted all DSO files, and then ran:
Construction OFfline practice and lan.exe.

This runs Tribes, and when I go to host, I dont see anything resembling Construction. When I host an available map, it says I will be exiting to run a dedicated server...

How do I connect to that locally (or play locally) and is this how you launch the con mod?


  • negative (although i cant say for sure)

    however it sounds like you've missed a step in there.

    I would however you do it the simple way and create a new shortcut to your desktop and then simply add on the end of the target after the end " (quote)

    -nologin -mod construction -nopure

    so the target should look something like this
    "D:\Tribes2\GameData\Tribes2.exe" -online -mod construction -nonpure

    then click apply, then ok, then click on the new shortcut, once in game click on the lan tab, click on advanced button to make sure that dedicated is not checked, alter any further options you wish, then host.

    enjoy! for further help be sure to check back as i will be writing a guide shortly to con mod.
  • The "Construction Offline Practice And LAN" you mentioned is a .bat, not an exe. It does launch the mod, just make sure you run "DSO Remover.bat" before the first time you open it. After that, once you host the game you should get the construction packs and options. Make sure you set things like purebuild in the lobby menu.
    Before hosting a game though, the most you'll see pertaining to the mod are the additional controls you can bind in the settings.
  • yeah, ran the remover (as well as a manual check and removal) then launched with the "nopure" and then host a game. Game runs, tells me it is a Construction .70 mod, etc. the game play starts. But I still have a player with regualr weapons (though I noticed that the new chaingun wass there) but dont get any build tools. Should there be a new map or do you play an existing map?
  • yeah, ran the remover (as well as a manual check and removal) then launched with the "nopure" and then host a game. Game runs, tells me it is a Construction .70 mod, etc. the game play starts. But I still have a player with regualr weapons (though I noticed that the new chaingun wass there) but dont get any build tools. Should there be a new map or do you play an existing map?
    Construction will work on any map you load. The "nonpure" setting is for dedicated servers, so they don't try to run "pure" servers - unmodified vanilla T2 servers.
    If you're getting the SCG, there shouldn't be anything stopping you from getting the tools. Make sure you have them selected in your loadout and that purebuild is enabled. Admins can select normal weapons anyway.
    If you can't see any of the construction packs or tools in the inventory selection, you've likely run another mod before getting the server running. You'll have to check your paths and remove the dso files again.
  • great! I will give that a try. So I dont need -nopure in the path?

    I do get the SCG (kicks the butt off of bots) so I will double check the loadout at an inv station.
  • Works. thanks!! Now to learn admin commands and the like!
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