Sirocco flats...

Anyone know where to get it? I saw it yesterday on TX I think. Liked it but I can't seem to find it.

Also... Is there a way to change a game type in certain maps?
I'd like to use some but I don't know how to change them so they appear in "construction" when I host my LAN game.


  • You can change the gametype on maps by opening the .mis file for it in the missions folder and adding to the missiontypes list at the top
    // MissionTypes = Construction CTF
  • You're awesome Krash! Thanks!
  • What of the maps which don't have a .mis in any mission folders? Is there a generic one I can use and just adjust the name of the map and such?

    (Sorry... I'm allergic to code. You should see me swell up!) ;)
  • What of the maps which don't have a .mis in any mission folders? Is there a generic one I can use and just adjust the name of the map and such?

    (Sorry... I'm allergic to code. You should see me swell up!) ;)
    // DisplayName = Mission Name
    // MissionTypes = GameType
    //More Quote
    //  -- Person Who Quoted
    //--- MISSION QUOTE END ---
    //--- MISSION STRING END ---

    That's the basics I use on the crappy maps I make.

    If a map has no MIS, then there's no map.
  • Strange. I have tons of maps but only a dozen or so .mis files in my missions folders.
    Thanks for the info! :D

    It comes with an empty map. You can use the .MIS file.
  • Strange. I have tons of maps but only a dozen or so .mis files in my missions folders.
    Thanks for the info! :D

    Mission MIS's can be contained in VL2's. Same thing applies to basically everything.
  • Good to know! Thanks guys!
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