Listen Server Hosting issues

A friend and I are both having these problems;
We cannot change load outs on any class, and do not start with any weapons/tools.
We cannot alter server settings ingame (purebuild, etc)
And when I host, Tribes 2 crashes when I shut it down.
Now, recent things, I'm using the script packs released on facepunch; Alternate Master Patch.
But from what I've heard, so are many of the people playing anyways. I've tried removing DSO's but I'll try one more time and post if there's any change in results.


  • The issues with the settings and items is caused by the DSOs left over from running another mod, and should be solved by removing them.

    Is it crashing for you when you leave the listen server, or when you exit the game? It could be a cleanup issue with the mod or connected to scripts you may be running, but it could also be a number of other issues.
    Certain client scripts (such as PanamaJack's) are incompatible with many construction installs, so you should try running it on a clean install or putting those scripts is a specific mod directory if you want to use them when playing another mod.
  • Crashing on leaving the server.
    Ah, that's it PanamaJack's stuff. Well, Thanks, I'll try removing it.

    More stuff: I can't seem to get my listen server to show up for others who aren't using hamachi, anyone know how to get this working?
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