IE8 (Internet Explorer 8)

Well, Microsoft released another public beta of Internet Explorer 8.. it sucks some serious balls. Adobe Flash Player doesn't work on it, it dies everytime a flash document tries to open (ie. Google Maps) and it will only install AFP v6.8.asdpf instead of v10.whatever ... SO!

I don't recommend the beta of IE8. rofl :D:lol:


  • note that the key word here is BETA its obviously going to be sucky and glitchy >_<
  • Better yet... Don't use internet explorer. :p
  • note that the key word here is BETA its obviously going to be sucky and glitchy >_<

    Let me re-parse your post.

    note that the key word here is IE its obviously going to be sucky and glitchy >_<
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