How do I move one building from one server to another?

Title says it all.

I just wanted to move my Orange building from BC to TX, and I was wondering how to do it. And yes, I saved it.


  • Upload to TC from BC. Download from TC to TX.
  • You have to /auth in before you can do this, your auth code is at the top when you log in to the forums, once you have it, go BC, type /auth (auth code), go to the building manager, select the building, click upload to, then go to TX, auth in, choose an empty save slot, then click download and choose the building you just uploaded.
  • It's /link (auth code) as far as I know.

    But then again, what do I know?
  • your actually right.
  • First of all you need to copy your authorisation code. It's the number at the top of the forum underneath where it shows how many private messages you've received.

    Then, join the server you've saved your building on and type /link *auth code*. This will link your Tribes 2 account with your account on for that server you are on. Now when you click on your saved building in the Building Manager, you should be able to upload your building to

    Then go into the other server and type /link *auth code* again and it will link your Tribes 2 account with as well.

    This should enable you to download your building onto the other server.

    NOTE: This only works with the 2 servers at the moment( BC and TX).

    Also note that any changes made to a building on the server that you loaded the building onto will not be automatically updated to This means that you will have to upload your building again and then redownload it to the other server if you wish to carry on working on it on the other server.

    Hope this helps :)
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