Post you WIP ships, or even recently completed ones!
A thread that i thought would appeal to ship building enthusiasts so help better co-exist in this crazy life style we call construction.
In this thread you can post anything you wish from work in progress or "WIP" ship or completed ones ready to show off and awe inspire new player's on The-Construct.
Give the name and a short description to give us a feel for your ships character.
These three pic's of mine are for my new ship named "Imperium III" which is the third edition in a few series of ships that i built and i thought i would return to it.
Two of the pictures are a show of progress and the one other is a model concept i made before hand.
In this thread you can post anything you wish from work in progress or "WIP" ship or completed ones ready to show off and awe inspire new player's on The-Construct.
Give the name and a short description to give us a feel for your ships character.
These three pic's of mine are for my new ship named "Imperium III" which is the third edition in a few series of ships that i built and i thought i would return to it.
Two of the pictures are a show of progress and the one other is a model concept i made before hand.
1: Carrier ship I was making with 6 Docking bays and a huge storage room.
2: Very old, and very large ship. Pretty junky, but lots of fun to build. Even has an indoor park!
3: Old fighter I made for a dock.
4: Carrier ship again, interior docking control room. Switches.
5: A fighter I was making that ended up looking like a large version of a starwars ship.
6: The shuttle I made for the contest!
7: A ship idea that I got from EVE, it also ended up looking like a starwars ship...
Seeing all your guys ships made me want to make you make ships in my server, and then fly them around.
And also post my ships.
Here are a couple videos of my newer WIP ships:
I saw the first one already and the second one was too dark to make detail out (mega sadface) but it looked outstanding, and i watched it completely even though i had no idea what was going on in the hope that i COULD see it EVENTUALLY.
also, they can be as big as the vis-limit, well, technically bigger, and i have plans to include SI into it, there is no limit.
but yeah, not sure why people even like that map, its too dark