
I hear many people complain about their votes not passing because of AFK's/ non-voters. I decided that I may be able to help with this by releasing an auto-voter script I wrote recently to the community. This probably won't fix the problem entirely, but it should help some, assuming enough people download it >_>.

Notes and Stuff:

The script by default is on whenever you play. It can be toggled to be off by opening the console (with the ~ key) and typing in: AutoVote();

Also by default, the script votes yes to: loading buildings, and removing orphaned deployables. It votes no to disabling pure build, disabling expert mode, and changing the mission. And it doesn't vote at all for kicking players.
These settings can be changed by opening the file (By renaming to .txt) and changing what the $TechScript::Vote[""] lines equal.
1 = vote no, 2 = vote yes, and 0 = don't vote.

I put a few notes into the script itself, in case you want to edit it or something, but nothing I haven't already said in this post

I realize that there may be a better way I could have done something in the script, I'm not sure really, but what I do know is that it works as is.

If you have any suggestions, ideas, or comments, post away!


Drop the .cs file into: GameData\base\scripts\autoexec
Go play Tribes!

PS. Humans, SuperDoe, Harris, and Iplop don't need to download this, they already have it :p


So yea, updated version:

Fixed the problem where it didn't vote if the player has a space in their name
Now by default it doesn't vote for change mission, just so if you actually do want to change the map, you don't have to worry about turning off the auto-voter then calling the vote.
Also, this was just a quick fix.


  • Oh Sweet. Thanks Tech, This should come in handy.
  • We need to force Deadwrong to download this script or spend life in TC Prison.
  • I do remember looking at the update log (its a textfile) and seeing that the staff did make a vote handler for base that would not count people who voted, so as long as green was still in the majority in the vote bar, then it would pass, its obvious that somewhere along the line this MAY have been permanently broken, by what or when i dont know however, it sure as hell didnt work before tnxt so its not the patch.

    In all, glad its being fixed, but i think it needs to be included in the coding for the next patch so its no longer an issue and it becomes standard, it also removes a few support questions which does a favor for everyone.
  • Would this work if you binded it to a Voice Bind?
  • I haven't used Tracer in a long while, so I have no clue if you can....If you can bind a console command then yes, you just have to bind AutoVote(); to whatever
  • Yes, you can bind console commands to voice binds in Tracer.
  • There's no need to bind when the default settings are all you need.

    I thank thee, oh creator of script I can use to no longer have reason to fear of being AFK for too long.
  • When is the next patch, neways.
  • Bump + updated first post!

    Of course you could always have krash implement that method too, that would fix the AFK voter issue.
  • This script hasn't been out for very long, but ever since it came out I haven't seen a vote fail due to non-votes. Great job Tech.
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