Drunk Vikings and PvP raids!

It is me, your esteemed and conceited community event manager and moderator to the Administration of Misfortune.


A week ago (Friday) a group of drunk vikings came in and set fire to the main town! With TNT they destroyed the church of Whorus and took many of the items of the town!

The two members responsible for fighting for the town's defense were Zipperdude and DoobyDoo142, both totaling just over 10 kills on the raiders. The raiders inflicted heavy damage, took minor loot from the destroyed buildings, and escaped into the tunnel system nearby TFBundy's base and overlook. It is believed that they are still at large and growing more powerful, acquiring diamonds and other tools of destruction to lay final waste to the town and it's people!

This is a call to arms! All available citizens and soldiers report to PvP combat duty on (Exact time not yet released) at the weekend after the coming one for a preemptive strike on the Raider's base!

Yes, that means PvP combat. There will be a base and a small amount of raiders defending it. The other team, made up of general players, will attempt to deal as much damage to it as possible while suffering minimal losses. This will be a BASE RAID so bring siege equipment and plenty of space for loot!


  • I will volunteer myself, to Providing "Explosive" arms to the Rebellion!
    Together, we will blow them out of their hiding spot!

  • Ill be there! and ill put up the best fight i can. if i lose ill just ragequit..... lol kidding
  • This sounds interesting, I'll be there if it's during weekend.
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