So, getting a four pack of this;


Lemme know if you're interested, and I'll gift you a copy, and we can play multiplayer come March, when I return to decent high speed interent. :)


  • I bought a 4-pack as well, so may have an extra copy or two if someone wants to play.

    It really is quite fun in co-op, and a lot of the level design reminds me of great classic late 90s games with plenty of man-sized vents and blocky disproportionate rooms. Some of the controls bother me a bit sometimes (I'd prefer to hold right-click for iron sights, for example) and the interface is a bit convoluted, though.

    We had some mission last night where we were supposed to go to a bar and talk to some low lifes and were sneaking around in the vents in the ceiling... and I may have accidentally jumped down on them and unloaded on everyone in the bar with a shotgun in about 5 seconds flat. :tinfoil:
  • Expected an EVE thread, left disappointed.
  • Poor shotgun. Need to unload it slowly, it's not use to that kinda abuse.

    And yes, you can has copy.

    krash, we should play online together sometime. I don't think I've ever actually gamed with you before.
  • Wlekewll Fine. Go Fuckfk;h Yorseuselves. Trying To Be Nioce, And This Is Wh At I Fuckingh Yeta. No Evesa For You Guyst Thenb.
  • This folks, is what poor alcohol planning will do to you.
  • Looks nice. I'd like to have copy too if someone has spare one laying around.
  • Wlekewll Fine. Go Fuckfk;h Yorseuselves. Trying To Be Nioce, And This Is Wh At I Fuckingh Yeta. No Evesa For You Guyst Thenb.

    So on Christmas, American's aren't allowed to drink, or issued beers. Canadians, however, are.

    From that, I assume you can infer who's pretty good friends with the Canadians.
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