Started FB Account: Friends Wanted! <3

Well, technically the account was started in 2010 I believe and rarely ever used but over the past few days ive been updating it. If I may be blunt with you all, it would be nice to have some familiar friends. I dont want to end up like the kid in that southpark episode that had only 1 friend so nobody wanted to be his friend... Would make me very sad.

Sure the 30 STRIPPERS with crushingly low self esteem I invited that all accepted are a nice start but I would like at least 50 FB friends before I invite my real life friends!

So, who wants to help a brother out? Maybe when you join we could swap some cool construction mod building pics/stories.

You can type "w4rl0rdx" into search (in facebook) and I should pop up OR PM me your name OR post your name in a response below. THANKS!!


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