
Does MC got something against me???? I just would like to know...


  • No. You just love to piss people off in the server, You made everyone so mad, they actually voted at least 6 times to kick you, I was nice enough to stop at least 2 of them, Until I finally realized what you were doing to them. I do recall, you said this exact sentence a few hours ago. (My chat logs dont work for some reason, so ill shorten it out)

    S-Guy: Your an ass
    DS=Dragonstalker: yep. i love being one.
    S-Guy: lol yes you are

    Then the votekicks started coming in, You spammed on S-guy's ship at least three times, even after he told you to Stop

    So, Are you Actually going to straighten yourself up, and try not to piss people off? I'm pretty sure Shane would have banned you at least 3 times.
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