[Ongoing project: Pirate - I]
Straight from the Pirate Shipyard, attached are a few very early shots of our latest endeavour, Pirate 1.
As it stands, we've put about 8-12 hours of work into it, with very few of the planned details implemented yet, and we're nowhere near finished.
The shots show a lot of rough edges and flicker which will be fixed in the final version, but the main focus in these shots is the scale. Note that the ship exceeds the boundaries of Flatland Big (the only mission in which you can see the ship from end to end) and the Havoc strategically placed on the front of the ship. A fullsize havoc by the way, I've included myself in a shot for comparison.
As always. the entire project is being built by hand (ie. no editor/etc) at full scale (no morphing
), with mostly just beams.
May 2nd Update: Added a few pictures from about 3 hours more work.
As it stands, we've put about 8-12 hours of work into it, with very few of the planned details implemented yet, and we're nowhere near finished.

The shots show a lot of rough edges and flicker which will be fixed in the final version, but the main focus in these shots is the scale. Note that the ship exceeds the boundaries of Flatland Big (the only mission in which you can see the ship from end to end) and the Havoc strategically placed on the front of the ship. A fullsize havoc by the way, I've included myself in a shot for comparison.
As always. the entire project is being built by hand (ie. no editor/etc) at full scale (no morphing

May 2nd Update: Added a few pictures from about 3 hours more work.

in the meantimes, ive got exams to keep me scared ;(
I can die happy now.
Not that that would be a good occasion
Good? It was AWESOME!! I still play it regularly... It is pretty much the best Space RTS made. Atleast by my standards.
If no, torrent it. IT IS THE GREATEST (Now).
Starcraft was the greatest RTS ONCE, now it's been surpassed, but damn it was fun
Unlike DOW's GameSpy >:(
Luckily DOW is so great, it's worth wading through a Sea-O-Crap to get a chance to slaughter Orks in the thousands.
The city is now walled in. No one will be flying out into the void of space.
The dock has now been put in and completed. The loading bays are yet to be installed.
Edit: The piece count is now up to 2167. The inner walls have not all be installed, and not all the detailing is in yet.
The 3 newest pictures.
Cool ship dock thing tho. very eye pleasing... even tho it has no way of moving because it lacks thrusters
Actually no. It is equipped with a dual quantum ramjet propulsion system (located in the rear sections of each wing - as yet unfinished) providing virtually infinite acceleration. What it can't do very well at the moment is decelerate.
The thrust calculations on these rockets allow for the system to use a mere 1/5 of the wing length, leaving ample space for the docks - though an auxiliary system does run along the length of the ship (mostly out of sight).
In the early shots you can find in this thread, you can see where the exterior to this will be expanded upon around the three vertical lines on the rear of each wing.
And as for Homeworld 2, Homeworld 1 was far better in terms of story, and even game play, but i do have to say, I think my mod for Homeworld 2 is some thing worth trying, even though it dosent touch PDS I actually was part of the team for PDS for its first year or so.
Expanded Wars "Domination Army" > all