Lite Construction Client

This is my "lite" construction client. It makes it so you don't have to run the full-blown mod in order to get emotes, relight, etc.

I know one came with the SI installer, but, I like mine better. ;) It's been based off of 0.69a of Construction, so, it should work on just about any construction server that supports emotes and relights.


  • The one in the installer was just copy/pasted and thrown together a few minutes before compiling the installer, which is why it's just a bundle of useless, and why it has an autoupdater to turn it into something useful with binds from different mods later on.

    On a side note - nobody actually uses those pack selection binds.
  • When I saw someone post in this thread, I was semi-expecting some feedback.
    The one in the installer was just copy/pasted and thrown together a few minutes before compiling the installer
    Yeah, it's missing a few things. I made mine because I had thought of it a month ago, but never got around to doing it until now.
  • I likey this, it's very convinient for lazy people like me who can get a pack at the push of a button :D
  • I made it just because I always forget to click on the Construction shortcut. :)
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