Client Side Container Ray Cast

Nao was mumbling about doing some sort of clientside getsize resize.. so he needed to be able to find what someone is looking at ...

And then he mumbled about making his container ray cast like function wiht some fancy math and stuff...

And then he mubmled about how its slow...

So I rigged the containerRayCast function to work on clientside.
replace 4 bytes at 0x18A66D to CC9C9E00

The change causes the function to not work serverSide, so don't use the same executable for servers, just like all my other patches..

Some screens attached..
  • screen1.png
  • screen2.png
  • screen3.png


  • And I do this in a hex editing program, because if so, I am unable to locate the 0x18A66D byte in my tribes 2 .exe
  • first of all that's 4 bytes

    second of all that's an address

    see how i said "4 bytes at 0x18A66D" and not "4 bytes 0x18A66D"
  • yeah thats the problem, there is No 0x18A66D.
  • 18a66d is the number of bytes you count from the beginning of the file, in hex, before you do the replacement.
  • I found 18a66d just fine.
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