So who plays L4D?

I'm sick of playing Left 4 Dead and getting shot in the back by some twelve year old kid who can't aim a pistol. So I ask you, The Construct community, who plays Left 4 Dead? If you don't have the game, I suggest you buy it. The game can be extremely entertaining and it has great replay value. Moreover, I think that we should make a steam community group for The Construct.


  • l4d isnt as good as t2,and never will be, i admit it appeals to plenty of american 5 yr olds, but not for me.
  • L4D is fun for a while, but it gets old after a bit. Especially when your teammates suck.

    but yeah, i play it
  • Playing with a bunch of random kids on a pub usually doesn't cut it in coop games. You really need people who can back you up, not an eclectic cowboy.
    That said, I have been known at times to rush in and get myself into a bit of a tight spot. :heart:

    We did have a raptorhideout L4D server up last month, but I haven't had any spare cash to buy the game. Maybe somebody will buy it for me for christmas :p
  • It's absolutely not worth the money. I played it with my friends for a grand total of less than 2 hours, and we are all bored with it. We payed as much for it as it's worth - nothing.
  • Thanks for expressing your opinion. Have you tried playing Left 4 Dead on expert difficulty?
  • Umm, yeah, and it's still boring as fuck. The game is 100% brainless spam. Zero thought; zero skill. Then again, most people apparently prefer that kind of gameplay - see the current state of Tribes 2 for further proof.
  • Well, sometimes it is fun. The other day Mezalyth and I were playing it, and we actually had good teammates. We used strategy to win, and made plans, which was fun. If you get good teammates and enemies, then it is really a fun game.
  • But then, any game is, naosyth
  • But then, any game is, naosyth

    Except for Tribes:Vengence.
  • Umm, yeah, and it's still boring as fuck. The game is 100% brainless spam. Zero thought; zero skill. Then again, most people apparently prefer that kind of gameplay - see the current state of Tribes 2 for further proof.
    . :lol:
  • oswald tribes V sucks, no1 gives a crap about whos good at it,in the end in tribes v it all comes down to who spams the field the most.
  • Yes... that was his point
  • Umm, yeah, and it's still boring as fuck. The game is 100% brainless spam. Zero thought; zero skill. Then again, most people apparently prefer that kind of gameplay - see the current state of Tribes 2 for further proof.

    How do you manage to insult two good games in only one post?
  • L4D ftw.
  • L4D entertains me...
    I dont need good players when i go online...
    Theres something fun about 2 of your buddies killing each other in a TK battle... then defending yourself, from a zerg of zombie, by yourself, to the death, because the other guys afk yelling at his mom to make meatloaf...

    On another note i have played a couple games that were good. On the airport mission I had control of the gun blasting the tanks that came around while the other 3 guys were behind me keeping the little minions off my ass... until a smoker pulled me into a herd of zombies.

    Still... 28 days later style zombies in a game is nice.
  • I wasn't aware you could do the airport mission online o_0

    And, the elevator on the first mission is fun. You can melee one of those big box things in front of it as a Zombie to trap the survivors. there's no way they can escape if you do that. It's great to watch and make fun of them
  • l4d is crap,=0
  • I remember one time we were hiding in the closet for the elevator horde in No Mercy. I decided to throw a pipe bomb, but it hit a wall and bounced back at us. It really sucked. We were stuck in a closet with a horde blocking the exit and a pipe bomb sitting under Bill's ass.
  • How do you manage to insult two good games in only one post?

    It's easy when I actually only insulted one game that isn't good. All that's left after that is finding some confused person who believes I insulted two good games, which seems to be pretty easy as well.
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