Coming Soon...Zombeh.



  • Updated it to a newer version:

    This is a game I'm making for my game programming class at school, made with Game Maker. You have to kill all of the zombies on a level to progress. Currently, there is only one level.

    Changes since the last version:
    • Smoother movement when you hit walls
    • Barrel explosions do damage
    • If a bullet's collision fails, it will guess at what was shot, and damage it
    • Tweaked zombie spawning/speed a bit
    • Zombies fade out when killed now
    • Added some sound effects
    • Strafing inverts based on mouse/character position

    Plans for next version:
    • ?

    Again, please tell me if you find any issues, or have suggestions.

    Put onto my flashdrive for my Compaq, probably won't work if it can't run FaceWound.
  • Alright, I have a list of suggestions for you now.

    1. Add weapons that can be picked up
    2. Ammo, you should have the weapon have ammo
    3. and with suggestion #2, weapon reloading and clips that you can pick up from killed zombies.
    4. Additional levels, definitely...


    Here are my additional suggestions:

    5. Different Music Tracks.
    6. You could randomize them, if wanted.
    7. Online Score Tracking.
  • Put onto my flashdrive for my Compaq, probably won't work if it can't run FaceWound.

    So, it managed to overheat a Pentium 3 processor, thus, causing an unwanted shutdown.
  • Sounds like you need to apply some new thermal paste.
  • Alright, I have a list of suggestions for you now.

    1. Add weapons that can be picked up
    2. Ammo, you should have the weapon have ammo
    3. and with suggestion #2, weapon reloading and clips that you can pick up from killed zombies.
    4. Additional levels, definitely...


    Here are my additional suggestions:

    5. Different Music Tracks.
    6. You could randomize them, if wanted.
    7. Online Score Tracking.

    Well, I was originally going to have multiple weapons, but I didn't have time to do that... And Mez and I already kind of planned some more levels. As for the music.. yeah.. I would have added more but I was short on time, and had to fix other issues.

    And, I'm not sure how to do online score tracking with game maker... but I don't need that for this game anyways.

    Btw, it got voted as a tie for the best game in my class. If I didn't vote for the other one, I would have won >_> lol
  • Sounds like you need to apply some new thermal paste.

    But I don't think it's worth it.
    Floppy Drive (OMFG)
    CD-RW, CD-R CD Drive
    About 200-900 MB of RAM (Probably 900)
    Pentium III Processor
    9 GB HDD
    Some crappy Trident video accelerator.
    No ethernet port, only dialup
    Windows XP

    On topic however, nice graphics.
    And are the zombie groans your (or Mez's) voice?
    My speakers on my Compaq have been funny since I opened it.
  • Yea..
    But I don't think it's worth it.

    Can't spring the whole $5 huh? We should put together a fundraiser. :o
  • Can't spring the whole $5 huh? We should put together a fundraiser. :o

    Compaq's crappy as can be.
    Floppy Drive
    About 200-900 MB of RAM
    Pentium III Processor
    9 GB HDD
    Some crappy Trident video accelerator.
    No ethernet port, only dialup
  • Nah,
    Compaq's crappy as can be.

    wow lol, the laptop I won from my college is even better than that.
  • So far the only viable bonus level is Area 51 (yay Mojave Desert). Although, at the same time, we might get a storyline level before a bonus one >_>
  • I already made the bonus level... It's the first one with no objects, and lots of zombies
  • Oh! Problem solved :3
  • Yeah.. but if you want to make more levels, I'm ok with that :p
  • some ideas... rail yard/train station level, city level, military bombardment level (ah yes no mans land, incoming!), race level (basically race for time, gotta make it to something before something happens), boat level, and a BOSS level :D. Nothing like a big ass whale zombie whos grown legs and is looking for dinner. (or whatever you might come up with)
  • I could use some of those ideas, but I'd like to rewrite a lot of the game before adding many new levels. I want to make it without using any of the drag and drop stuff this time. I learned a lot from making it already, so I could rewrite it to be better and more flexible.

    Or I might use something other than gamemaker... who knows. We're starting something new in my game class next week, so maybe I can use whatever we start then.
  • Will I have to remap things?

    I'm fine either way; I'd just like to know before I begin things for the Gamemaker version ._.

    Or is it all fundamentally the same...?
  • Map editing tool?
  • I made a zombie game ages ago on Macromedia flash with the simplest codes in the program. Had fun making it.

  • haha pretty fun
  • I still don't like the movement style, even though it's different. I'd prefer movement being based on map orientation, such that up means up and right means right
  • I still don't like the movement style, even though it's different. I'd prefer movement being based on map orientation, such that up means up and right means right

    While I was playing at about 3 FPS, I heard one of the zombies shout (in BioDerm voice) - "Humans taste like chicken!" I lol'd, hard.
  • That was funny. I would guess the random yelling is mez or nao?
  • Mez did the yelling sounds, lol

    And, I might make the movement be relative to the map
  • That's me? >_> That sounds higher pitched than usual...oh well.

    My voice has come to eat your flesh.
  • Probably sounds weird since we had to use a phone to record it. And, I had to amplify it with audacity so you could hear it
  • haha epic.
  • you should implement a traveling salesman algorithm for the zombies

    i tried doing one on a game i made last year, but the end result was less than i would have liked
  • Tried to download it but I have a apple. DAMNIT WHY DID I GET A APPLE!... *sniff*

    Apple version??? <<<<<<<:D
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