


  • This new world needs epic. Normally I would wait for someone to start something, or just quietly work on my own project, but I'm growing impatient now.

    I'm doing something epic, and It'll be so much faster with a few people helping out.

    I need a crapton of cobblestone.
    I need a decent collection of just about every single material that can be found.
    I'll need a lot of help to get this done in any reasonable time.

    I'm building a huge city comparable in size to NewPork almost directly underneath Pineville, under a land-shell made of the continent itself.
    The city will be the main center of future clan-based and PvP-based activities.
    Spanning off from it will be a pair of tunnels.
    At the end of the tunnels will be a custom built PvP island approximately 500 by 500 meters that will include a fortress control point, spawning camps, and plenty of unique landmarks and such as to create an almost MMOish 'battleground' experience. Rules and regulations and other things have already been set out, but will be revealed upon completion.

    The PvP area will be cut off by admin measures to ensure that the only people who are able to get in or out are those who either spawn in there or go through the city.

    Any and all help/donations are accepted and perhaps even rewarded!
  • Anyone else noticing some things going all wonky with the map? Random sand-shapes or seemingly isolated underground bases? It almost looks like sand-volcanoes are going up in some spots.
  • point me to one and i'll take a look at it

    EDIT: found out what it was. case closed.
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