New tribes game.



  • Mod-ability and MMOs don't mix. I can guarantee you that there will be 0 modding for this game.


    Aside from clientside modding. I really hope thats given some flexibility.

    I actually kinda hope that they also allow for custom skins, like, clan-skins, or just personal skins. I realize that they cant have them so everyone can see everyones custom skin, but if they had a eve corp-logo/wow guild tabard type deal, that would be cool.

    Although, it would be cool if they had a slot for custom skins, so people with the same skin can see each-others. Like in T2.


    Im actually excited for this game now. :)

    Apparently the T:U forum is up, and they're letting people reserve Tribe names. We should make a The Construct tribe. :)
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