I need some scripting help....

i know how to make mods. me and Red Sky Bamdit are thinking about makeing a mod. but theres one problem we dont know what 50% of the stuff means like dragcoffention is someone could help me :).


  • So, you don't know how to make mods.

    Start with the basics: http://www.advancedmod.com/

    And, if you don't know what something means, there is always: http://dictionary.com
  • i know how to make mods i just need help like a teacher or something cause i etited my spin fuser and gone :'( and advanced mod dosent help me ive been on it before.
  • http://www.advancedmod.com/Tribes2/tutorials/index.html

    Like Thyth said: Start with the basics, then work your way up.
    and advanced mod dosent help me ive been on it before.
    Did you actually take the time to read all of the "Getting Started" tutorials?
  • thx eolk looks helpful i dint see this before im checking out now and thanks
  • that confused me...... i dont wanna add stuff yet. i just wanna change stuff.
  • Start playing around with things in a new mod folder. If you manage to mess something up, then replace it and start over again. If you have something you want to keep, make sure to make backups. I recommend experimenting with weapon datablocks and packs first, then start going code-wise into other scripts.
  • umm yea i kinda started in my clasic scripts folder and now my mortar wont explode :'(
  • MY mortar explodes!!!! kinda if i shoot it to close to me it just sits there :/ but my mortar sniper is almost ready
  • Mortar sniper = Uber pwnge
  • is that a compliment if it is thx
  • Now make an flame mortar. :P

    Or a gun that shoots Eolks at people.
  • how do i add flame?
    to mortar if u told me i would do it

    *thinks to self* flame mortar sniper.....l
  • You know, this is exactly what I did. I went to a few links that brought me to tutorials in how to create, well, some were on how to create vehicles, some were on how to create a basic weapon, just following those can get your scrtipting skills up.

    After a while now, I am able to merely create modes, (not as advanced as your average scripter may do.)

    Here is how your basic rpg money system would be like. .
    Originally posted by Chibi Otaku Advancedmod.com


    $CostWeapon[%item.item] = $ModeRPG::WeaponCost[%Item.Item];
    if($Host::RPG $= "") // If Host has not chosen, is RPG mode on?
    $Host::RPG = 0;
    if(%Plyr.Client.Money < $CostWeapon[%Item.Item])
    MessageClient(%Plyr.Client, 'MsgUhOh', "\c5You Do Not Have Enough Money To Buy This.");

    Following simple tutorials that display similar variables above may take some time to getting used to, but just look at Krash and Electricutioner. If you do this at least once a day per tutorial, you will be able to script just like them without much problems that may come in your way.
  • ok adnanced mod BORES ME it just tells u what to do and for a ammo bassed wepon i put scripts and everything in it and :O it wasnt there why?
  • /me whispers in Purple Duck's ear... "The executable in the server.cs needs to be there"

  • /me Whispers in Blunkems ear what does that mean and why are we whispering?
  • Ducky, you don't really know how to make mods, don't you :P?
    I can snatch code as well, change a few parameters here and there, heck, I can even beg eolk or nukem to script stuff for myself, but I don't consider myself as being capable to make mods :D
  • do u know how to edit wepons/vehicels/packs ect?
  • I know how to open a .cs file and edit the parameters, yes.
  • ahhhh thats a mod just editing veh/weps/packs ect and adding them occationally
  • lol but your not really making the veh/wep/packs, you just using someone else's file editing it and calling it your own... thats not really making a mod.
  • if you edit tribes 2 its editing someone else's stuff so con mod is just "editing someone else's and i think blackfyre elec and those huys called it there own on loading screen?
    so con isnt a mod? just edited/added stuff to game
  • Just Saw Front Page Happy B-day Guys :)
  • lol... Ignorance is funny.
  • i love to argure it specialy with more hmmmmm powerful/domatior what u ever wanna clall elec and shane
  • Elec = Uber Coder
    Shane = Banhappy
  • Purple, I'm not normally this hostile, but what the fuck are you talking about?!, where in the fucking T2 Base is something that closely resembles an LSB?
    Or elecs multiple amazing gadgets?
  • not the packs in genral but i personaly dont think they can call it theres since there is still a 50/50 amount of stuff that u just changedwhat it does so :p
  • Ducky, in my years of being a forum whore, I have learned one thing.
    Learn to back off before you look like an idiot in front of people you will never meet and whose opinions don't matter in your life.

    Chances are none of the mods you will see in Tribes 2 don't have stuff coded from SCRATCH by their makers, therefor making the mod theirs trully.
    As you should have read somewhere, ECM is a mod almost made from scratch.
  • I think that forum whores are also idiots.
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