A Getting Started (Comprehensive)

Greetings, I know some of you are like who the hell is this guy but i assure you i've been around for years (as just about every one of us has). However i havnt participated much in the community until as of lately when i've gotten alot of time on my hands and alot of family and friends who all play tribes with me, namely construction mod.

Regardless after probably 3 or 4 years of letting my tribes directory get trashed and run-down i decided to do a from scratch install, fresh, all my fav scripts and stuff and im now down to the perfect installation minus construction mod.

I dont really have a specific preference as to which to install however i am hoping to meet these general criteria and through your input also get an idea as to what files i'll be needing to drop into my directory.

I know that some of you are like, whats this guy talking about, its easy, just install this file and ka-poof, your done. What i actually want to achieve those is a bit more, so here it is, if we can get some good information in this post perhaps it can be made into a comprehensive guide to hosting and or playing con mod (minus how to actually play of course, master chief has done a pretty good job of writing that stuff =))

Wish List

Be able to host con that has alot of diverse features, elevators, doors, etc etc.
Diverse list of maps to use
good admin functions
admin cookies (special things only admins get, like the gun in QX, thats always fun to play with =)

I'm sure theres a bit more but i've been up all night getting my T2 dir in order, as it stands i found alot of rare scripts as well, perhaps if your looking for something specific you can also respond to this post and i'll see if i have it.

Oh, i remember, one more thing, i'm hoping for a mod that i can fight a little on too, like base building and combat, and making bases that have defenses etc. I like some of the things from Combat Con Mod, and i also really like that Nuke MPB from (cant remember which, but you loaded it, set down 3 beacons and fired it, you could counter it with a special c.proj turret.) anyone know the one i'm refering to?

Anyway i'm really hoping theres something out there that has all those neato features, but if not perhaps one thats close.

Lastly, if there is anything just a client should install on their machine to play con mod (only on an online server) like a client pack, i know QX had a client pack to add extra features.

Thanks in advance.

BTW, i originally intended to post this in the main section, my apologies, if an admin would like to move this post there that would be great =).


  • Although I can't exactly be quantium's advocate, I can't say that the old metallic release has everything you're looking for either.

    Metallic 1.4 does have quite a few building features and some useful admin commands (posted a 1.4 chat command list here), but is not meant for admin toys.
    It can be used for combat fairly well; You can add a second team, use spawn points, disable jets, activate specific weapons, use manual or base turrets... There are even objective packs for making your own CTF, siege, destruction, or whatever matches.

    What it doesn't have is the MPM. It can be added back in if you have the time... the MPM itself should work if you just put the MPM files from normal construction in and have them exec'd with the server; the fuel, mpm beacon, ammo, and anti-nuke turret require a bit more editing, but nothing you couldn't simply copy and paste. If that's what you feel up to, I could make a list of the things you'll want to edit in which files.

    If you want a large selection of Construction maps, there are a few here:
    http://xfer1.the-construct.net/tribes2/flatlandpack.vl2 (if you don't want to download all the flatlands seperately)
    http://xfer1.the-construct.net/tribes2/Flatdash.vl2 (Serverside mission I run on my servers)
  • Thanks Krash, you are very helpful.

    Honestly the MPM was always fun because it gave you the sense of big kid plays with big toy so to speak... however i wouldnt dare ask you to take any time away from metallic to compose a list of what to edit to add it.

    Regardless thats not to say i wouldnt greatly appreciate it. Frankly if your bored and have the time then consider me interested. I am not usually one to just "leech" time off someone and if there is something i can do in return just ask and i'll do my best within capability to accomplish it.

    more importantly in the mean time i am wondering if there is any client side only stuff i should be putting into my directory (not to host but only join) I give my tribes copy out to alot of friends and i like to have everything they need in there so they can join and get started with out any problems.

    Lastly i am having some problems with my fresh install hosting metallic, i get UE's at initializing and i think it might be some scripts i have running. I am gonna hack at that later, i read that PJ's scripts are usually a common problem, are there any others that you are aware of that imight try removing first that might save me some troubleshooting time, perhaps with my script library i can compose a list of scripts commonly interfering with Con Mod and we can put it in the FAQ sect for others. Just in case your wondering exactly what im experiencing, when i get into game, the admin menu features when i go to click on them dont actually work, like i'll hit my lobby tab, go to click on pure build enable and it wont execute. Then if i run JTdeldso.bat the game fails as mentioned above. I also am careful not to delete or change anything in the do_not_del folder.

    Oh there was one more thing, how hard would it be to take the deployable packs lists (and related files) and dump them into a QX server for the sake of getting your awesome pack types and features with QX's neato admin toys?

    On the other hand i am trying to contact SunQuan to see if he'll tell me how to do it the other way around and put his admin toys into a metallic install. I'm sure its complex so i am not looking for a how-to, just whether or not you would think its worth the time. Thanks again in advance
  • I'll see about making a list for the mpm edits sometime tomorrow, shouldn't take too long.

    I haven't really seen a server that uses any clientside packs for construction since around the time the quantium clientside thing was released, so you really shouldn't have a problem without one.

    As for scripts causing problems, I can't think much of anything specific off the top of my head that is worth noting. I've generally kept my setup exactly the same for the past few years, so I haven't tested for which might cause problems. I did run into a little jig with Grinder's objective tracking a while back that caused the metallic's objective packs to malfunction, though.
    When you click on the lobby settings, try looking in the server console to see if it's trying to call up an invalid function. It's possible something you have modified the way your client handles the vote menu.

    Putting the admin weapons in would be easier than swapping out the packs since you wouldn't really have to edit much of anything. Make sure they're exec'd and you can just use //givegun weaponname playername
  • i realized that when i was tinkering around with some weapons i had downloaded loaded into my server.

    Also, its funny you mentioned that waypoint handler, i have 3 different ones i use for different things, moops is a waypoint tracker, autopoint from boots is a autowaypoint creater and playerwaypoint allows me to use the command menu to designate quick waypoints to enemies. When i removed those 3 game worked flawless, when i added them back in one at a time game still worked flawless, i think what happened was some kind of dso was created with these 3 packs that interefered with the client before metallic was able to create its settings, but if i ran metallic first then added these scripts in all worked well.

    Regardless things seem to be working well.

    You've been really helpful in your information and also inspiring me to look in new places to solve this.

    Only thing thats left is to have one con mod that does everything i like =) I did notice metallic was missing some packs i thought were super useful, perhaps i'll compose a list tomorow and shoot some ideas back and forth (if your up for it) I hope i've not been too much of a pest thus far.

    nearly forgot, with metallic im finding that just installing metallic without con .70a is fine, am i correct in doing so or should i put in con mod .70a first then metallic in on top, for actually hosting servers i mean. i want to make sure im getting the full feature potential of metallic.

    ~ Many Thanks!

  • No problem. :)

    Yeah, the mods are standalone, no need to have .70 on first.
  • EEKchat incompatible, that much is certain, did a fully clean install, zero scripts, fresh install of latest metallic, tested several times, cleaned dso's etc. soon as i put in eekchat it all catches fire. =)
  • http://xfer1.the-construct.net/tribes2/Flatdash.vl2 (Serverside mission I run on my servers)

    Flatland Canyon and Flatland Desert are serverside too. Everyone seems to have forgotten about those maps. Now everyone runs boring Flatdash. :(
  • EEKchat incompatible, that much is certain, did a fully clean install, zero scripts, fresh install of latest metallic, tested several times, cleaned dso's etc. soon as i put in eekchat it all catches fire. =)
    EEKchat! Hahah, back in the day the random worms, holy grail quotes, and all your base clips could be heard in nearly any construction server you played in. Now that you mention it, I do remember it causing troubles with hosting. For a while I think I had it extracted just to keep the sounds, but eventually removed it altogether.
    Flatland Canyon and Flatland Desert are serverside too. Everyone seems to have forgotten about those maps. Now everyone runs boring Flatdash. :(
    Out of disgust at the ugly skies, lighting, and fog implementation, I've had to remove those two from any server I run. How he thought they looked good is beyond me. :p I may use the same terrains to make a more fetching flat serverside mission sometime though, need a bit of a change sometime.
  • The forum database seems to be having a fit today.

    Just looking through the files, and it looks like most of what's needed is actually still in. You should really only need to modify two files, unless you feel a need to add them to the inventory hud as well.

    Transfer the files from the MPM folder in v.70, as well as packs/antinuketurret.cs


    Find in server.cs (line 127):

    Add Under:
    Save/close server.cs

    To get the mpm packs from the pack dispenser:

    Find in packs/Effectpacks.cs (line 1009):
    $packSettings[DispenserDepImage,5] = "7 1 Dispenser Pack:[Misc Deployables]";
    Replace with:
    $packSettings[DispenserDepImage,5] = "11 1 Dispenser Pack:[Misc Deployables]";

    Find (line 1017):
    $packSetting[DispenserDepImage,7,5] = "Detonation pack DetonationDeppack";
    Add under:
    $packSetting[DispenserDepImage,8,5] = "Anti Turret TurretMpm_Anti_Deployable";
    $packSetting[DispenserDepImage,9,5] = "MpmFuel pack MpmFuelPack";
    $packSetting[DispenserDepImage,10,5] = "MpmAmmo pack MpmAmmoPack";
    $packSetting[DispenserDepImage,11,5] = "Mpm TargetBeacon Mpm_BeaconPack";

    (Optional) If you want the detonation pack to allow nukes:
    Find (line 1351):
    $packSettings[DetonationDepImage] = "5 1 Detonation Pack:[Payload]";
    Replace with:
    $packSettings[DetonationDepImage] = "12 1 Detonation Pack:[Payload]";
    Find (line 1357):
    $packSetting[DetonationDepImage,5] = "Morph Pulse 60";
    Add under:
    $packSetting[DetonationDepImage,6] = "Ion Zap 30";
    $packSetting[DetonationDepImage,7] = "Mortar Fountain 30";
    $packSetting[DetonationDepImage,8] = "Bomber Crash 30";
    $packSetting[DetonationDepImage,9] = "Satchel Charge 30";
    $packSetting[DetonationDepImage,10] = "Atommic NukeCannon 120";
    $packSetting[DetonationDepImage,11] = "ArrowIV 150ktNuke 180";
    $packSetting[DetonationDepImage,12] = "Dark Hole 360";

    Save/close packs/Effectpacks.cs


    To turn them on, just use: $mpm::nukempb = 1;
    To have it able to use enemy beacons and lasers: $mpm::targetenemies = 1;

    If you want to change the ammo cost of one of the payloads:
    Mpm_Nuke_Load.cost=150; - Drain Bramage's Atomic(tm) Nuke Cannon
    Mpm_Nuke2_Load.cost=250; - Arrow IV 150 kt Nuke
    Mpm_Hole_Load.cost=200; - Black Hole
    Mpm_VE_Load0.cost=20; - Grav Cycle Missile
    Mpm_VE_Load1.cost=40; - Tank Missile
    Mpm_VE_Load2.cost=100; - Mpb Missile
    Mpm_VE_Load3.cost=25; - Shrike Missile
    Mpm_VE_Load4.cost=50; - Bomber Missile
    Mpm_VE_Load5.cost=80; - Havoc Missile
    Mpm_VE_Load6.cost=800; - Super Grav Cycle Missile
    Mpm_VE_Load7.cost=800; - Super Havoc Missile
    Mpm_VE_Load8.cost=700; - Artillery Missile
    Mpm_AREP_Load.cost=25; - Repair Pulse
    Mpm_ACLK_Load.cost=30; - Cloak Pulse
    Mpm_ADIS_Load.cost=25; - Disassemble Pulse
    Mpm_AESP_Load.cost=50; - Electro Static Pulse
    Mpm_AMOR_Load.cost=50; - Morph Pulse
    Mpm_BBom_Load.cost=75; - Bomber Run
    Mpm_BMis_Load.cost=50; - Cluster Missile
    Mpm_BMor_Load.cost=75; - Mortar dump
    Mpm_TE_Load.cost=10; - MPB Teleporter
  • ok, last quick question, i was doing some digging, and i found some scenarios under which the mpm wouldn tbe loaded and some scenarios where its replaced with the MPB, do you think of any of these that might prevent the mpm from being loaded that i need to also patch?

    Lastly, i cant seem to get the count of how many mpm/mpb's are allowed in game. maybe i'm editing it in the wrong place, your thoughts?

    oh and one more thing, when im trying to host i know im putting in a client join password but its never actually asking anyone for a password when joining, is there a command that i can throw into the console to force a password on the server while its running, and further more a command i can remove the password while the server is running, this would be helpful.
  • ok, last quick question, i was doing some digging, and i found some scenarios under which the mpm wouldn tbe loaded and some scenarios where its replaced with the MPB, do you think of any of these that might prevent the mpm from being loaded that i need to also patch?

    Lastly, i cant seem to get the count of how many mpm/mpb's are allowed in game. maybe i'm editing it in the wrong place, your thoughts?

    oh and one more thing, when im trying to host i know im putting in a client join password but its never actually asking anyone for a password when joining, is there a command that i can throw into the console to force a password on the server while its running, and further more a command i can remove the password while the server is running, this would be helpful.
    Have an example for that? It shouldn't have much trouble loading up.

    To change the maximum number of mpbs, with Metallic you can use //pureveh MobileBaseVehicle 10, with others $Vehiclemax[MobileBaseVehicle] = 10;

    Attach a password with $Host::Password = "password";
    Remove it with $Host::Password = ""; ;)
  • bah, no wonder, i swore it was 2 commands, $clientauth = 1 and $clientpass = whatever... what are these for?

    last thing, do you happen to know off hand where in which mpm.cs that i would edit the eject teleport. when i build a base around the mpm and i jump on the launch pad to launch a nuke, when i jump off it auto kicks me behind and to the left of the mpm, the target pad doesnt do that and works more like an inventory station. thats the kind of use i'd prefer because i often get ported into a wall or something.


    btw the scenario i was referring to was happening because of a : and not a ; to close the argument, was my typo. =) thanks though... =)
  • actually i take that back, they both do it, but i'd prefer they dont auto-move you from the pads or if they must then perhaps i could just manually set the cords to fit my building
  • Did someone say EEKchat?
  • bah, no wonder, i swore it was 2 commands, $clientauth = 1 and $clientpass = whatever... what are these for?
    Doubt they'd do much of anything. :p

    Dismounting should be handled in MPM_base.cs, but on first glance I don't see it.
  • I was just telling Krash that Eekchat crashes my con server installation =/ shame too, you've got some nice binds.
  • I'm having trouble getting the nuclear blast from the arrow IV, it seems to be firing nothing but duds. anyone have any thoughts?

    Oh, and what MTC? i see an option here labeled mtc and i've seen it in some of the mpm stuff.
  • I'm sure there's some way to integrate it with Tracer, but then no one else could hear them. Might work on it if enough people are interested.
  • I'm having trouble getting the nuclear blast from the arrow IV, it seems to be firing nothing but duds. anyone have any thoughts?

    Oh, and what MTC? i see an option here labeled mtc and i've seen it in some of the mpm stuff.
    The Arrow IV is in Nuclear_blast.cs, double check to make sure it's loading.
    MTCs are the little turret buggers that fly around hunting people and shooting things. If you want to add them back in you'll need to copy over the MTC_*.cs files and remove the commenting from the MTC_core exec in server.cs
  • yea it wasnt called in server.cs adding it fixed it =)

    anyone know why when i save my building and reload it again on a fresh host that none of my doors and force fields work. and i have to add 2 generators of that same frequency to get them to work.

    like as if it needs 3 times the power (if thats possible) hard to explain.

    this problem effects switches.

    ok, i've dont a bit moer digging (in my limited skill) and found that it MIGHT have something to do with a deficeit like if there are 1 generator at frequency 6 on the map when i save it, and when i load it on a new map (same actual map) it counts that generator as a negative and so it requires 2 more generators to bring it back into positive in order to actually supply power to the objects buiilt on those frequencies.

    Any thoughts on how we can fix it?
  • You have two options for 'fixing' that.

    1) Evaluate power in the admin menu.

    2) Rewrite the save system so it doesn't suck as much.
  • ahh, i thought the evaluate power system was a pre-command for the othe command remove all deployables without power.

    makes perfect sense why it never occured to me i have no clue.
  • ok, heres my latest project. I've been doing some exploring with the different con mods. Currently in order to have a different building experience and to do different things i've had to run 2 different servers to satisify my needs but id more than prefer to just run one. So i've been compiling a list of the different features that each are lacking and any author (or perhaps you could give me instructions if its simple enough) on how to merge packs into different mods. right now i am really liking metallic as a base because it has alot of the common sense features everyone needs however QX has a bit more options in a few packs that in my opinion are key to building a great object.

    furthermore moo con has some of the best designed packs yet with the way his door pack works although lacking security options and features.

    so if we were to take these different elements and merge them into one installation that would be great.
  • What would we call it?
  • imo the names would remain the same, whoevers install you use as a base is what the server info would list, but it would be advisable that you list there are variations to the packs contributed by the original authors. its important to remember....

    No one would be stolen from all the credit is the original authors of course and credit granted/given where due. it wouldnt be a new named mod just a compilation of the different features. after all, isnt what everyone is looking for a great con mod?

    oh and one more thing... Eeehk if you ever do decide to work on a voice pack for t2 again and wanted to put it together i'd be like your best friend. I'm still trying to get a all in one voice pack that has all the features i need.

    lastly, Krash, i composed a list of typos i found in Metallic and i was going to take the liberty of listing where they are found and in which files but i didnt want to step on your toes.

    here are the keyworks you can search in a windows file search (body of the file search)

    to make a quick and easy fix here are the words

    chek - check
    nuge - nudge
    whit - with
    bogy - boogey ?
    feild - field
  • lastly, Krash, i composed a list of typos i found in Metallic and i was going to take the liberty of listing where they are found and in which files but i didnt want to step on your toes.
    I've actually corrected nearly all of them in in what I run... I've been meaning to get it ready for a release, but haven't had much time to finish it up.
    English wasn't Captn Power's first language and he's dyslexic. I offered to spell check it for when 1.4 would be released, but it never got past the beta since he decided to leave.
  • oh well, btw, you wouldnt happen to know how to close a toggle door in metallic would you? for some reason i deploy the door, set the pass, /opendoor %pass and thats as far as i get =)
  • We still need a name for this thing. We could append "A compilation" on the end of it and give credit at the load screen.

    Like "Turbocon: A Compilation" or something. If we didn't name it officially it would get nicknamed anyway.

    Maybe Compicon, or Collabomod or something.
  • so if we were to take these different elements and merge them into one installation that would be great.
    I strongly suggest you acquire the permission of Sun Quan, Web Snake, and Soldier of Light before using code from Quantium, just as you should from FooCumber, Xencor, and Insane Turkey for MooCon. Otherwise, you may be implicated in a court of law within the United States for intellectual property infringement.

    In continuation to the conversation we had in your server...

    Intellectual property is defined as a creation of the intellect that has commercial value, including copyrighted property such as literary or artistic works, and ideational property, such as patents, appellations of origin, business methods, and industrial processes. Basically, it defines anything produced through the intellectual functioning of the mind that has any sort of value, also known as a creative work. There is extremely strong legal precedent for these terms including software.

    Intellectual property law confers a bundle of exclusive rights to the author of a creative work. Intellectual property law covers five types of IP: copyrights, patents, trade secrets, IDRs, and trademarks. Since only copyright is relevant for the purposes of this discussion, we can ignore the other four for now.

    Copyright law states that the holder of the copyright has, for a limited time, an exclusive right to the control of distribution and adaptation of the copyright works. Other parties have no implicit legal right to the copyrighted work unless explicitly conferred by the copyright holder. For software, this is typically done through an End-User-License-Agreement that spells out the limited rights granted to the user.

    Construction mod itself has a fairly explicit "change whatever you want, and add yourself to the credits file if you choose to". It makes no mandate about redistribution, nor how restrictive/unrestrictive the modified distribution needs to be.

    As a result of this very 3-clause-BSD-like license, various mod makers forked various editions that kept various components in closed source for their own benefit. Why did they keep partial source closed? It doesn't matter from a legal standpoint, as the mod makers are completely within their right to fork and close. Some GPL pundits might say that it hurts community because efforts are fragmented into various editions all missing features that might be present in another edition, but that is the nature of the original Construction license: complete code freedom.

    It is further, noteworthy that BSD licenses are NOT viral like the GPL. You can link BSD code into a commercial program without fulfilling any special requirements. Thus, any code added to construction that was not added by Construct, Mostlikely, or JackTL is owned by whoever added it and is subject to distribution under any type of new terms desired by the modder.

    Returning to contemporary copyright law, without explicit conferral of distribution rights, nobody except the copyright holder has the ability to legally distribute their code additions. Sure... distribution is implied by making the mod available in the public sphere, but even that implication is on shaky grounds, and you need to be weary to make sure the author doesn't turn around and sue you for downloading their IP. But clearly, if the author making the additions did not explicitly state you could pull and rip from the mod, it would be optimistic to the point of foolishness to assume that you could use the code additions and modifications for any other purpose than running the game.

    Furthermore, if the mod contains closed source components (as Quantium and MooCon do), it is a strong indicator of intent from the author indicating that the code to the mod remains proprietary. If the authors wanted you to have free BSD-3 style reign over the mod code, they would almost certainly make it all open for reading and modification, or they would explicitly state that everything else was free and open for use (as the vanilla construction mod authors did).

    Anyway, that was probably more legalese than anyone cares to see.

    From a practical standpoint, I don't see combining code like that to be feasible. I haven't seen code to a construction mod, other than mine that could really be construed as maintainable or expansible. Even stuff in vanilla construction often defies readability and logical sense (see power.cs, savebuilding.cs, the MPM code, effectpacks.cs for a rainbow of horrid code), thus I have had to rewrite major portions of those files, or redone them completely to support added functionality in my mod.
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