CDM & Custom Vehicle 2.0



  • You can have up to two projectiles
    so i can have 1000 ELF guns and 1000 AA guns?

    you're not making sense here Otto! OTTO!
  • I think you're getting a little twisted idea...

    Those will all be forward, shrike like weapons, no turrets and fancy stuff..

    ... Right?
  • er no?
    all mine will point in random directions.(i was jking, only 30AAs and 2 ELF)
  • You. Can. Have. Two. TWO. 2. Dos. Deux. Dwa. Weapons.

    And yes, they are like normal vehicle weapons, they shoot forward only. And, turrets won't work on a vehicle.
  • damn! so theres no point of a giant vehicle?
  • Well... if it looks cool, then it is worth making
  • thats what everyone says.
    It looks cool? theres no point if it barely shoots :(.
  • Then don't use my mod
  • And Nao Is The Winner
  • Damnit.. you was just lucky my boy is rusty, you win this time Meza!, you was just lucky!...
    *hands Demon his towel*
    Let's get the fuck out of here, I told you you weren't ready for the big fights!

    (Back on topic, There is no way you can put turrets on vehicles?, I thought there was a weird way to get them on mount points.. like Bones Mod stuff?)
  • (Back on topic, There is no way you can put turrets on vehicles?, I thought there was a weird way to get them on mount points.. like Bones Mod stuff?)

    It can be done in script. look at the bomber code
  • Wouldn't that mean that he could script Modular-Vehicular-Turrets into his mod?
  • The reason they don't work is because I had to make this be hidden and scoped to avoid possible UEs related to SI
  • Oooh, i seeee.
  • Damnit.. you was just lucky my boy is rusty, you win this time Meza!, you was just lucky!...
    *hands Demon his towel*
    Let's get the fuck out of here, I told you you weren't ready for the big fights!
    il be back Nao!!
    *Rocky theme with sylvaster stalone as Demoncard*
  • ok then.....
    is it possible to make 2 legged robots? i want to make a Gundam.
  • Yeah, you can make 2 legged robots....3 legged....over 9000 legged....they won't move, though. You just have to be skilled with textures, rotation, and LSBs like usual construction.

    Only Ships are customizable (currently, anyway...I dunno about any future plans)
  • >_> Why don't you just try the mod so you have some sort of idea how it works, yes? That way you can stop asking so many questions
  • >_> Why don't you just try the mod so you have some sort of idea how it works, yes? That way you can stop asking so many questions

    Whoa! that post made way to much sense.

    Wanna tone it down, Nao? Theres children on this forum.
  • >_> Why don't you just try the mod so you have some sort of idea how it works, yes? That way you can stop asking so many questions

    maybe if i can actually see it on server list. :lol:
    :simma: :simma: :simma: :simma:
    Yeah, you can make 2 legged robots....3 legged....over 9000 legged....they won't move, though. You just have to be skilled with textures, rotation, and LSBs like usual construction.

    Only Ships are customizable (currently, anyway...I dunno about any future plans)
    once again, theres no point if it doesnt move.


    is it possible to build a rocket car? idk running out of ideas....... :eek: :wave:
  • once again, theres no point if it doesnt move.


    is it possible to build a rocket car? idk running out of ideas....... :eek: :wave:

    I think you already reached your quota of questions, It'd be better if you just stopped posting in this thread..

    But don't worry!, I'll do the same, and I'll go HERE
  • The vehicles DO move, just, the LEGS on it won't do a walking animation.

    And, the server was up most of yesterday
  • The vehicles DO move, just, the LEGS on it won't do a walking animation.
    so, itl hover?
  • Just slap some MPB wheels on the bottom
  • For the love of God people, it's usually up in the afternoon, PST, probably dedicated. Just check. Please.

    When you go on and if you have any questions, just READ THE WRITING at the bottom of each tool. It's there for a reason.
    so, itl hover?
    Depends on the vehicle. It'll either hover or fly. Maybe you should join the server and try it out, hmm?

    And yeah, it's possible to build a rocket car. Flames won't come out the back, but if you rotate a Shield Pack the right way and mount it, it looks like an afterburner.

    Once again, these questions best answer themselves when you play the mod.
  • cant you keep the server up ALL day? when you put the server up its night where I live.
  • I turn my computer off when I go to bed
  • damn. couldnt you ask someone to host it for you? I was really excited about this mod....
    *thinks of flying cactus*
  • Not until it is ready to be hosted by other people. It is still lacking in some features, and has a few bugs.
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